Acronym | Definition |
MAMA | 9- (N-Methyl-Aminomethyl) Anthracene |
MAMA | Man-Machine |
MAMA | Metadata Analysis and Mining Application |
MAMA | Mountain Area Medical Airlift (Asheville, NC) |
MAMA | Mothers Against Methamphetamine |
MAMA | Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse |
MAMA | Madison Area Music Awards |
MAMA | Multi-Anode Microchannel Array |
MAMA | Movimento Articulado de Mulheres da Amazonia (Portuguese: Articulated Movement of Women from the Amazon) |
MAMA | Museum of Ancient and Modern Art (Penn Valley, CA) |
MAMA | Modesto Area Music Association |
MAMA | Mothers Against Murder and Aggression |
MAMA | Metropolitan Atlanta Musicians Association (Atlanta, GA) |
MAMA | Mountain Acoustic Music Association |
MAMA | Mothers Against MSBP Allegations |
MAMA | memory allocator for multithreaded architectures |
MAMA | Mobile Automatic Message Accounting |
MAMA | Micro Adhesion Measurement Apparatus (contact mechanics) |
MAMA | Mobile Area Modelers Association (Alabama) |
MAMA | MTV (Music Television) Africa Music Awards (est. 2008) |
MAMA | Moral Advancement Movement of America (Dragnet) |