Acronym | Definition |
CDL | Commercial Driver's License |
CDL | California Digital Library |
CDL | Carbondale (Amtrak station code; Carbondale, IL) |
CDL | Center for Distributed Learning (Rohnert Park, CA) |
CDL | Center for Distance Learning (Georgia Tech) |
CDL | Criminal Defense Lawyers (various locations) |
CDL | Casa Delle Libertà (Italian political party) |
CDL | Cannon Beach (Amtrak station code; Cannon Beach, OR) |
CDL | Community Development Lending (various organizations) |
CDL | Color Decision List (American Society of Cinematographers; video production) |
CDL | Cropland Data Layer (USDA) |
CDL | Career Development Loan |
CDL | Common Data Link |
CDL | Collège du Léman (Swiss international boarding school; Geneva, Switzerland) |
CDL | Comma Delimited |
CDL | Comparative Data Language |
CDL | Component Life Design |
CDL | Common Dialog Library |
CDL | Compatibility Disk Layout |
CDL | Community Disaster Loan (US FEMA) |
CDL | California Drivers License |
CDL | Child Development Laboratory |
CDL | Collaborative Deep Learning |
CDL | Cuneiform Digital Library (global cooperation; Ancient Near East) |
CDL | Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory |
CDL | Canadian Defence Lawyers |
CDL | Centre de Langues (French: Language Center; various locations) |
CDL | Computer Design Language |
CDL | Comité Départemental de Libération (French: Departmental Committee of Liberation) |
CDL | Clandestine Drug Laboratory (law enforcement) |
CDL | Collaborative Digital Library |
CDL | Community Development Library (Bangladesh) |
CDL | Construction Defect Litigation |
CDL | Configuration Deviation List |
CDL | Component Definition Language |
CDL | Central Door Locking |
CDL | China Digital Library |
CDL | Contrat à Durée Limitée (French: Fixed Term Contract) |
CDL | Computer Description Language |
CDL | Cornell Design League (Cornell University, Ithaca, NY) |
CDL | Chemisch Dispuut Leiden (Dutch student organization) |
CDL | Colorado Department of Labor |
CDL | Comité de Développement Local (French: Local Development Committee) |
CDL | Canal Defense Light (British WWII weapon) |
CDL | Candlestick chart (bar-chart often used in Forex trading) |
CDL | Common Download (OpenCable interface) |
CDL | Converged Data Link |
CDL | Chart Definition Language |
CDL | Constraint Definition Language |
CDL | Collectif Démocratie et Libertés (French: Collective Democracy and Freedom) |
CDL | Centro di Lavoro (Italian: Job Center) |
CDL | Croix des Landes (French audiobook company) |
CDL | Comptoir des Lumières (French lighting company) |
CDL | Circuit Description Language |
CDL | Crossed Delay Line |
CDL | Corneal Dystrophy, Lattice |
CDL | Central Dental Laboratories |
CDL | Cloud Detection Lidar |
CDL | Controlled Document List |
CDL | C. D. Leet (early ammunition headstamp) |
CDL | Cabin Discrepancy Log |
CDL | Crossing Department Lines |
CDL | Coded Digital Locator (wireless communication) |
CDL | Cargo Data Logger |
CDL | Cellulose de la Loire (French packaging company) |
CDL | Configuration Drawing List |
CDL | Capacitance Driven Layout |
CDL | Central Data Library |
CDL | Corpswide Distribution List (USACE) |
CDL | Contractual Detection Limit |
CDL | Cosmic Dust Lab (NASA) |
CDL | Configuration Data List |
CDL | Concepts, Doctrine, and Literature |
CDL | Contract Distribution List |
CDL | Critical Deviation List |
CDL | Contract Deficiency Listing |
CDL | Canine Defense League (UK) |