GFIGround Fault Interrupter
GFIGame Factory Interactive (game publishers; Russia and Ukraine)
GFIGlobal Financial Integrity (Washington, DC)
GFIGlobal Financial Institution (various locations)
GFIGraphics Link File
GFIGeneral Format Identifier
GFIGovernment-Furnished Information
GFIGo For It
GFIGlobal Financial Information
GFIGrowing Families International
GFIGlobal Fairness Initiative
GFIGoodness of Fit Indices
GFIGrupo Financiero Inbursa (Spanish; Mexican financial group)
GFIGovernment Financial Institutions (Philippines)
GFIGroup Fitness Instructor
GFIGross Farm Income
GFIGuidance for Industry
GFIGross Fixed Investment
GFIGlens Falls Interweb, Inc. (South Glens Falls, NY)
GFIGreen Forum Initiative (World Water Forum)
GFIGame Figures, Inc.
GFIGreen Front of Iran
GFIGovernment Final Inspection
GFIGreat Freakin' Idea (polite form)
GFIGas Field Ionization
GFIGovernment Free Issue
GFIGeneralized Fresnel Integral