Acronym | Definition |
GFR | Glomerular Filtration Rate (renal system) |
GFR | General Financial Rules (various organizations) |
GFR | Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (nuclear reactor) |
GFR | Grand Funk Railroad (band) |
GFR | Growth Factor Receptor |
GFR | Global Formula Racing |
GFR | Guaranteed Frame Rate |
GFR | Glass Fiber Reinforced (molded plastics) |
GFR | Gainesville Fire Rescue (Gainesville, Florida) |
GFR | Grim File Reaper |
GFR | Great American Financial Resources, Inc. |
GFR | Gefreiter (German) |
GFR | Gesellschaft für Regelungstechnik und Energieeinsparung mbH |
GFR | Generic Fill Rate (medications) |
GFR | Generic Fill Rate (Medicaid prescriptions) |
GFR | Ground Fault Relay |
GFR | Government Flight Representative |
GFR | Groupe Fonciere des Régions (French) |
GFR | Gesellschaft für Resourcenschutz (German: Society for Resource Protection) |
GFR | Government Furnished Representative |
GFR | Gas Facility Reporting |
GFR | Ground and Flight Risk |
GFR | Gap Filler Radar |
GFR | Grain Filling Rate |
GFR | General Functional Requirements |
GFR | Geophysical Field Report (Canada) |
GFR | General Flight Rules |
GFR | Gas Filled Rectifier |
GFR | German Family Rockers (gaming clan) |
GFR | Graduate French Program |
GFR | Gay for Real |
GFR | Grunting, Flaring and Retracting (infant respiration) |