Acronym | Definition |
GCP | Google Cloud Platform |
GCP | Good Clinical Practice |
GCP | Groupement des Commandos Parachutistes (French: Commando Parachute Group) |
GCP | Guidance and Counseling Program (various locations) |
GCP | Global Competition Policy (magazine) |
GCP | Grid Computation Platform |
GCP | Google Cached Pages |
GCP | Grid Certificate Policy |
GCP | Grid Computing Protocol |
GCP | General Control Packet |
GCP | Gold Certified Partner |
GCP | Ground Control Point |
GCP | Google Cloud Printing (web service) |
GCP | Global Consciousness Project |
GCP | Global Carbon Project |
GCP | Golf Car Portal (resource) |
GCP | Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein |
GCP | Global Consulting Practice (various organizations) |
GCP | Groupe Chiroptères de Provence (French: Bats Group Provence) |
GCP | Guidon Cyclosportif Pyrénéen (French cycling club) |
GCP | Grand Central Parkway (New York) |
GCP | Granule Cell Precursor |
GCP | Gateway Control Protocol |
GCP | Geodetic Control Point |
GCP | Genetic Counseling Program (various schools) |
GCP | Gaston College Preparatory (Gaston, NC) |
GCP | Glutamate Carboxypeptidase |
GCP | Grand Central Partnership |
GCP | Ground Commander’s Pointer (US DoD) |
GCP | General Contract Provisions (law) |
GCP | Gilbert Coullier Productions (French culture company) |
GCP | Google Conversion Professional (website optimization) |
GCP | Great-Circle Path |
GCP | Good Combustion Practices |
GCP | God's Child Project (Bismarck, ND, USA) |
GCP | Gerontology Certificate Program (University of New England) |
GCP | Gouttebarge Coupe Précision (French industrial blade company) |
GCP | Global Canopy Program |
GCP | Good Catering Practice |
GCP | Goddard Corporate Park |
GCP | Gironde Challenge Paintball (France) |
GCP | Groupement de Coopération Phocéen (French social cooperation group) |
GCP | Ground Control Processor |
GCP | Global Catalyst Partners, LP |
GCP | Grupo de Ciencias Planetarias (Spanish: Planetary Sciences Group; University of the Basque Country; Spain) |
GCP | Glass-Cloth Phenolic |
GCP | Green City Project |
GCP | Global Chamber Platform |
GCP | GLO CRYOHP Payload |
GCP | Global Community Portal (website) |
GCP | Gun Control Panel |
GCP | Great Circus Parade |
GCP | Groundwater Characterization Project |
GCP | Good Coverage Partner (gaming) |
GCP | Get Character Placement (windows programming) |
GCP | Golden Cheesepie |
GCP | Gross Corporate Product (sales and all other revenues) |
GCP | Gravier Conseils et Participations (French: Tips and Gravel Investments) |
GCP | Ground Control Position |
GCP | Ground Control Planning |