HOPEHold on, Pain Ends
HOPEHealth Opportunities for People Everywhere
HOPEHeart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation
HOPEHealth Opportunities through Physical Education
HOPEHackers On Planet Earth
HOPEHelping Our Planet Earth (various organizations)
HOPEHistory of Political Economy
HOPEHearing Other People's Experiences (Alcoholic Anonymous)
HOPEHispanas Organized for Political Equality
HOPEHelping Other Patients Everywhere
HOPEHelping Other People Excel
HOPEHelping Other People with Epilepsy
HOPEHousing Opportunities for People Everywhere
HOPEHelping Other People Eat
HOPEHousing Opportunities Project for Excellence (Florida)
HOPEHelping Others Prepare for Eternity
HOPEHUMMER Owners Prepared for Emergencies (USA)
HOPEHealth Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomic (Research Centre)
HOPEHelping Other People Everyday
HOPEHold on, Peace Exists
HOPEHang On! Peace Exists (Alcoholics Anonymous)
HOPEHappy Our Program Exists (Alcoholics Anonymous)
HOPEHealing of People Everywhere (Columbine High School fund)
HOPEHelping Our People in Emergencies
HOPEHarnessing Optimism and Potential Through Education
HOPEHomeschool Organization of Parent Educators
HOPEHonest, Orderly and Peaceful Election (Philippines)
HOPEHuskies for Opportunities in Prison Education (University of Washington; Seattle, WA)
HOPEHomeless Outreach Projects and Evaluation
HOPEHelp Our People Excel
HOPEHelping Out People Everywhere (Australia)
HOPEHillsborough Organization for Progress and Equality (Tampa, Florida)
HOPEHospitals for EurOPE (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation)
HOPEH-2 Orbiting Plane (developmental Japanese space plane)
HOPEHydrogen Outreach Program for Education
HOPEHundreds of Original Projects for Employment (Austria)
HOPEHuman Organ Procurement and Exchange program
HOPEHalley Optical Probe Experiment
HOPEHuntsman Online Patient Education (Huntsman Cancer Institute; Salt Lake City, UT)
HOPEHerbal Organic Plant Enhancement
HOPEHell on Planet Earth
HOPEHelping Obese People through Education
HOPEHumanitarian Operations Packaged Essentials (US Air Force)
HOPEHousing Our People Economically
HOPEHalt Overpopulation with Prevention and Education (animal foundation)
HOPEHarnessing the Omnipotent Power of the Electron (software tool)
HOPEHealing, Opportunity, Prevention, Education (domestic violence awareness; Tacoma, WA)
HOPEHeart Open Please Enter (Alcoholics Anonymous)
HOPEHigh-performance Open Portable Environment (Mobile Computing Systems)
HOPEHelping Open People's Eyes, Inc. (Texas; est. 1990)
HOPEHumanitarian Organization for Palestinian Equality (student group; University of Michigan, Dearborn)
HOPEHillsboro Ohio Paranormal Encounters
HOPEHispanic Organization to Promote Education
HOPEHighlights of Personal Experience
HOPEStanding Committee for Hospitals in Europe
HOPEHelping Other People Enthusiastically (outreach program; various locations)
HOPEHealing Our Personal Environment
HOPEHeart of the Ozarks Parent Educators
HOPEHydrogen-Oxygen Primary Extraterrestrial Fuel Cell
HOPEHispanic Organization of Postal Employees, Inc.
HOPEHomes of Private Enterprise
HOPEHealth Organization to Preserve the Environment
HOPEHave Only Positive Expectations
HOPEHonorable and Outstanding Police Enforcer (award; Manila, Philippines)
HOPEHope and Opportunity for Postsecondary Education Act of 1997
HOPEHealth Options & Positive Energy Foundation
HOPEHeroin Overdose Prevention and Education
HOPEHelping Our People Expand (student group)
HOPEHelping Online People Everywhere (song project)
HOPEHold Onto Prayer Everyday
HOPEHe Offers Peace Eternally (Christianity)