GISGeographic Information System
GISGeographical Information System
GISGeographic Information Services
GISGeographical Information Science
GISGlobal and International Studies (various schools)
GISGisborne, New Zealand (airport code)
GISGuaranteed Income Supplement (Canada)
GISGeographical Information Services
GISGeographisches Informationssystem (German)
GISGIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification) Information Security Professional
GISGeneration Information System (software)
GISGas-Insulated Switchgear
GISGeneral Information Services
GISGeospatial Information System
GISGenome Institute of Singapore
GISGeografisch Informatie Systeem (Dutch: Geographic Information System)
GISGeographic Information Science
GISGeographics Information System
GISGlobal Item Schema
GISGlobal Information Services
GISGoogle Image Search
GISGroupement d'Intérêt Scientifique (French: Scientific Interest Group)
GISGlobal Information Society
GISGentran Integration Suite (Sterling Commerce)
GISGas Insulated Substation (electrical networks)
GISGlobal Information Solutions
GISGeographic Information Solutions
GISGeoscience Information Society
GISGhana International School
GISGussoh Imagesystem
GISGlobal Infrastructure Services (Computer Sciences Corporation)
GISGirls' Industrial School (various locations)
GISGlobal Intelligence Services (various locations)
GISGeodata Interoperability Specification
GISGovernment Information System
GISGrey Island Systems (Toronto, Canada)
GISGeneralized Iterative Scaling
GISGarden International School (Malaysia)
GISGeographic Information Studies
GISGenossenschaftlicher Informations Service (German: Cooperative Information Service)
GISGlobal Investment Systems
GISGeographic Imaging Solutions
GISGolisano Institute for Sustainability (Rochester Institute of Technology)
GISGeneral Information Session
GISGastrointestinal Series
GISGroup Information Session(s)
GISGrundlagen Informatik Sensortechnik (German: Basic Computer Science Sensor Technology)
GISGeophysical Information System
GISGlobal Indexing System
GISGraphics Information System
GISGruppo d' Intervento Speciale (Italian Carabinieri Army Special Forces)
GISGeoreferenced Information System
GISGlobal Inbound Service (international toll free service)
GISGlobal Integration Summit (Integration Consortium)
GISGreen Iguana Society
GISGroupe Interventional Speciale (Italian Counter Terrorism Unit)
GISGeographical Imaging Software
GISGeeky Internal Stuff (databases)
GISGeneral Investigative Section (Canada RCMP)
GISGunbound International Server (gaming)
GISGroup Interference Suppression
GISGas Insulation System
GISGeographical Intelligent Survey
GISGlobal Insight Services (Congress WBN)
GISGeosynchronous Meteorological Satellite
GISGroup Index and Schedule
GISGreatness Is Simplicity
GISGoddard Information System
GISGuidelines Implementation Staff