Acronym | Definition |
HSA | Health Savings Account (US) |
HSA | Hills Start Assist (vehicle feature) |
HSA | Health Sciences Authority (Singapore) |
HSA | Human Serum Albumin |
HSA | Health Services Administration (various locations) |
HSA | Heterogeneous Systems Architecture (computing) |
HSA | Home School Association |
HSA | Health Services Academy (various locations) |
HSA | Health and Safety Authority (Ireland) |
HSA | High School Assessment |
HSA | Home and School Association |
HSA | Health Services Agency |
HSA | Human Services Agency (Nevada) |
HSA | Hot Spot Analysis (environmental study) |
HSA | Harvard Student Agencies (Cambridge, MA) |
HSA | Hot Spot Avoiding |
HSA | Hardware System Area |
HSA | High System Availability |
HSA | High Speed Access |
HSA | Hotspot Site Appliance |
HSA | Hill Start Assist |
HSA | High Speed Data Acquisition |
HSA | Health and Safety Advisor |
HSA | Homeland Security Act |
HSA | Health Service Area |
HSA | Hemispheric Social Alliance |
HSA | Haiku Society of America |
HSA | Harmony Science Academy (Texas) |
HSA | Hunt Saboteurs Association |
HSA | High Speed Access (CATV) |
HSA | Herb Society of America |
HSA | Health Sciences Association |
HSA | Housing Studies Association |
HSA | Head Stack Assembly (hard disk drives) |
HSA | Harlem School of the Arts (New York, NY) |
HSA | Health Systems Agency |
HSA | Hollow-Stem Auger |
HSA | Historic Sites Association (Canada) |
HSA | High Speed Amphibian |
HSA | Homeland Security Agency |
HSA | Hispanic Student Association |
HSA | Honors Student Association |
HSA | Handicapped Scuba Association International |
HSA | Health Science Authority (Singapore) |
HSA | High Specific Activity |
HSA | Home Sewing Association |
HSA | Hermalle-Sous-Argenteau (Belgium seaport) |
HSA | Hot Sedimentary Aquifer |
HSA | Hellenic Students' Association |
HSA | Home Savings of America |
HSA | Health Service Agreement |
HSA | Hip Structural Analysis |
HSA | Hmong Student Association (various universities) |
HSA | Hexane-Sulfonic Acid |
HSA | History Students Association |
HSA | Health Scientist Administrator |
HSA | Humanitarian Service Award (various organizations) |
HSA | Hydrologic Sub-Area |
HSA | Hazardous Substances Act |
HSA | Hindu Students Association |
HSA | Hydrographic Sciences Australia |
HSA | High System Availability (Cisco) |
HSA | Hot Side Aeration |
HSA | Heightened State of Awareness (therapy) |
HSA | Holmes Safety Association |
HSA | Hoffman Sports Association |
HSA | High-Speed Analog |
HSA | Horizon Science Academy |
HSA | Heartland Spiritual Alliance |
HSA | Healing Story Alliance |
HSA | Hammons School of Architecture (Drury University) |
HSA | Hokkaido Sociological Association (Hokkaido, Japan) |
HSA | Home Service Area |
HSA | Hybrid Storage Alliance (computer products) |
HSA | Hazardous Substances Authority (UK) |
HSA | Hydration Stabilization Admixtures |
HSA | Holcim South Africa (cement) |
HSA | Healthcare Supplies Association |
HSA | Headache Associated with Sexual Activity |
HSA | Hilbert Spectral Analysis (Hilbert-Huang transform) |
HSA | Hunter's Shooting Association |
HSA | Homeschoolers' Support Association |
HSA | Home Show America |
HSA | Handbell Society Of Australasia |
HSA | Hueston Sailing Association |
HSA | Hydroponics Society of America |
HSA | Huguenot Society of America |
HSA | Hawaii Skatepark Association |
HSA | Hand Surgical Associates |
HSA | Hi Specialty America |
HSA | Hudson Society of Artists (Hudson, OH, USA) |
HSA | Humane Slaughter Act of 1958 |
HSA | Honors Scholars Association |
HSA | Health and Safety Assurance |
HSA | Hinchingbrooke School Association |
HSA | Health Services Administrator/Administration (USAF) |
HSA | Heaven's Sword Army (gaming community) |
HSA | Hach Scanning Analyzer |
HSA | Harmonic Suppressed Antenna |
HSA | Hazardous Substance Analysis |
HSA | Hard Style Assassin (gaming) |
HSA | High Speed Auxiliary |
HSA | Harrison Smith Associates Limited |
HSA | Hot Solo Action |
HSA | Human Serum Albumin Radical |
HSA | Higher Studies Abroad |
HSA | High Source Alignment |
HSA | Hydroxy Steatic Acid |
HSA | Has Sex Appeal (chat slang) |