GARPGlobal Association of Risk Professionals
GARPGratuitous ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
GARPGrowth At a Reasonable Price (investing style)
GARPGeneric Attribute Registration Protocol
GARPGroup Address Resolution Protocol
GARPGenetic Algorithm for Rule Set Production
GARPGratuitous Address Resolution Protocol
GARPGeneral Attribute Registration Protocol
GARPGeneric Attributes Registration Protocol
GARPGlobal Atmospheric Research Program
GARPGroupement des Assedic de la Région Parisienne (French: Assedic Group in the Paris Region)
GARPGlobal Aids Response Progress (UN)
GARPGeneralized Axiom of Revealed Preference (choice behaviour)
GARPGlobal Atmospheric Research Project
GARPGeneral Attribute Registration Protocol (Cisco)
GARPGenerally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (Association of Records Managers & Administrators)
GARPGuide to the Assessment of Rates of Veterans' Pension