Acronym | Definition |
FWC | Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Florida) |
FWC | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (Tallahassee, FL) |
FWC | Families with Children (various locations) |
FWC | Firewall Configurator |
FWC | Firewall Client |
FWC | First Wesleyan Church (various locations) |
FWC | Family Worship Center (Sioux Falls, SD) |
FWC | Fujian White Crane (martial arts) |
FWC | Filament Wound Case |
FWC | Future Warfare Center (US Army) |
FWC | Food Worker Card (various states) |
FWC | Foster Wheeler Corporation (Clinton, NJ) |
FWC | Flight Warning Computer (Airbus) |
FWC | Family Winemakers of California |
FWC | Fresh Water Cooling |
FWC | Flyff World Championship |
FWC | Fashion Week Cleveland (Cleveland, OH) |
FWC | Full-Well Capacity (imaging devices) |
FWC | Fly with Christ |
FWC | Fraudulent Workers' Compensation |
FWC | Fair-Weather Cumulus (climate) |
FWC | Foundation Wildlife Conservation (Belize) |
FWC | Forwarded with Compliments |
FWC | Free Woman of Color (early 19th Century designation for a Negro woman who was not a slave) |
FWC | Friends Wilderness Center (West Virginia) |
FWC | Fault Warning Computer |
FWC | Florida Wood Council |
FWC | Florida Water Coalition |
FWC | Fleet Weather Center |
FWC | Formula Windsurfing Class |
FWC | Force Weapons Coordinator |
FWC | Fleet Weather Channel |
FWC | Firmware Controllers |
FWC | Fixed Window Count |
FWC | Full-Range Wavelength Converter |
FWC | Federal Women's Center |
FWC | Fabric Wall Covering |
FWC | Fractal Wavelet Compression |