Acronym | Definition |
HSB | Hue, Saturation, Brightness (color model) |
HSB | Hartford Steam Boiler (Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company) |
HSB | Harzer Schmalspurbahnen (Germany) |
HSB | Hue Saturation Brightness |
HSB | Horizontal Scroll Bar |
HSB | Hot Swap Backplane |
HSB | High Performance Serial Bus |
HSB | Hanoi School of Business (Hanoi, Vietnam) |
HSB | Heaven Shall Burn (band) |
HSB | Head Start Bureau (Agency of the Department of Health and Human Services) |
HSB | Horizontal Scroll Bar (Visual Basic prefix) |
HSB | Humidity Sounder for Brazil (atmospheric humidity profile measurement instrument) |
HSB | High Strength Bolt |
HSB | Health Sciences Building |
HSB | Haskayne School of Business (Canada) |
HSB | Hardly Strictly Bluegrass (music festival; San Francisco, CA) |
HSB | Health Services Bureau (various locations) |
HSB | High Speed Bearing (grease; various companies) |
HSB | Heart-Shaped Box |
HSB | High-Speed Bus |
HSB | High Surface Brightness (galaxies) |
HSB | Harper Seven Beckham |
HSB | Home and Small Business |
HSB | Hyresgästernas Sparkasse- och Byggnadsförening |
HSB | HarperCollins Study Bible |
HSB | High School Bowl (Northern Michigan University) |
HSB | Headquarters and Service Battery |
HSB | Heavy Separate Brigade |
HSB | Hot Stand By |
HSB | High Speed Buffer |
HSB | Houston Symphonic Band (Houston, TX) |
HSB | Harbour Security Boats |
HSB | Hic Situs Bonus (Latin: This Place Is Good, epigraphy) |