Acronym | Definition |
ATAC | Arimidex, Tamoxifen Alone or in Combination (cancer study) |
ATAC | Agenzia del Trasporto Autoferrotranviario del Comune di Roma (Italian: Agency for Rail and Road Transport of the City of Rome; Rome, Italy) |
ATAC | Active Thermo Atmosphere Combustion |
ATAC | Air Transport Association of Canada |
ATAC | Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council |
ATAC | Area Tallahassee Aquatic Club (Florida) |
ATAC | Advanced Tactical |
ATAC | Atrial Tachycardia (medical) |
ATAC | Auto Theft Advisory Committee (San Diego, CA) |
ATAC | Agenzia Per I Trasporti autoferrotranviari del Comune Di Roma |
ATAC | Antiterrorism Alert Center (Navy) (US DoD) |
ATAC | American Teens Against Crime (Hardy Boys Undercover Brothers book series) |
ATAC | Advanced Traceability And Control |
ATAC | Advanced Team Attack Control (Counter-Strike gaming plugin) |
ATAC | Agile Tactical Air Component (Killzone) |
ATAC | All Terrain All Conditions (boots) |
ATAC | Advanced Tactical Air Command |
ATAC | Australian Transport Advisory Council |
ATAC | Air Transportation Association of Canada |
ATAC | Association of Theatrical Artists and Craftspeople (Bloomfield, NJ) |
ATAC | Advanced Tactics Airsoft Class (Albany, OR) |
ATAC | Antiterrorist Alert Center |
ATAC | Automatic Targeting Attack Communicator (from the movie For Your Eyes Only) |
ATAC | Anti-Terrorism Advisory Committee |
ATAC | Azienda Tramvie e Autobus del Comune Di Roma |
ATAC | Asociación Tecnológica Amateur de Comunicaciones |
ATAC | Advanced Technology Advisory Committee |
ATAC | Art Talks Artists' Collective |
ATAC | Artelisys Technical Assistance Center (Ewa Beach, HI) |
ATAC | Association Technique pour l'Action Culturelle (French: Technical Association for Cultural Action) |
ATAC | Association Terre d'Aragon en Cabardès (French: Land Association of Aragon Cabardès; Aragon, France) |
ATAC | Avaya Technology and Consulting |
ATAC | Aerospace Technology Advisory Committee |
ATAC | Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding (more commonly seen as ATRAC) |
ATAC | Anti Terrorism Alert Center (US) |
ATAC | AIDS Treatment Action Coalition |
ATAC | Advanced Technology Assessment Center |
ATAC | Army Tank-Automotive Center (US Army; predecessor to TACOM) |
ATAC | Arizona Transfer Articulation Committee (Phoenix, AZ) |
ATAC | Air Transportable Acoustic Communication |
ATAC | Air-Transportable Acoustic Communication |
ATAC | Acquisition Transformation Action Council |
ATAC | Air Tasking Authority Commander |
ATAC | Apparel Textile Action Committee (Canada) |
ATAC | Advanced Technical Assistance Center |
ATAC | Advanced Tactical Assault Command (gaming group) |
ATAC | (acrylamidopropyl)trimethylammonium Chloride |
ATAC | Advanced Tactics and Countermeasures |
ATAC | Asset Tracking and Accountability Control System |
ATAC | Airborne Tactical Air Coordinator |
ATAC | Aegis Tactical Assessment Capability |
ATAC | All Terrain Articulated Crane |