Acronym | Definition |
HSO | Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra (Japan) |
HSO | HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Security Officer |
HSO | Halion Symphonic Orchestra |
HSO | Thermal Enhanced Small Outline Package |
HSO | Hartford Symphony Orchestra |
HSO | Health and Safety Officer |
HSO | Huntsville Symphony Orchestra |
HSO | Health Sciences Online |
HSO | Homeostatic Soil Organism |
HSO | Health Service Organizations |
HSO | Housing Support Officer (various organizations) |
HSO | Health Service Ombudsman (UK) |
HSO | Hereford String Orchestra (est. 1958; UK) |
HSO | Haitian Student Organization (various universities) |
HSO | Honor Super Omnia (Kappa Delta Rho fraternity) |
HSO | Human Service Organization |
HSO | Human Services Officer |
HSO | Hershey Symphony Orchestra (Hershey, PA) |
HSO | Hot Sports Opinion |
HSO | High-Speed Online (Time Warner Cable) |
HSO | Healthcare Support Office (United States Navy) |
HSO | Hot Spot Operator (wireless access) |
HSO | Habitation and Station Operations |
HSO | Hull Street Outlet (Richmond, VA) |
HSO | Horizontal Sight Offset (traffic engineering) |