Acronym | Definition |
GSF | German Scooter Forum |
GSF | Global Speakers Federation (formerly International Federation for Professional Speakers) |
GSF | Gross Square Feet (architectural design and construction) |
GSF | Goonswarm Federation (gaming) |
GSF | Google Service Framework (computing) |
GSF | Gwendolyn Strong Foundation (Santa Barbara, CA) |
GSF | Ghost Script Default Font |
GSF | Gnome Structured File |
GSF | Government Securities Fund (various organizations) |
GSF | GameSpy Forums |
GSF | General Services Fund (various locations) |
GSF | Genoa Social Forum (umbrella anti-G8 group) |
GSF | Golden State Foods (Irvine, CA) |
GSF | Griseofulvin (antifungal drug) |
GSF | Giant Screen Films (Evanston, IL) |
GSF | General Settlement Fund (various organizations) |
GSF | Government Superannuation Fund (New Zealand) |
GSF | Graduate School Fellowship (various schools) |
GSF | Goldman Sachs Foundation |
GSF | Grove Street Families (gaming, GTA: San Andreas) |
GSF | Garage Sale Find |
GSF | Green Street Family |
GSF | Game Show Facts (website) |
GSF | Gorgas Science Foundation (Brownsville, TX) |
GSF | Gay-Straight Forum |
GSF | Girls Schmirls Foundation (song by MXPX) |
GSF | Generic Sensor Format |
GSF | Georgia Southern & Florida (Railroad) |
GSF | Global Standard Financial (Alpharetta, GA) |
GSF | Guardian Space Fleet (online fiction) |
GSF | Government Security Forces (Nigeria) |
GSF | Generic Scripting Framework (computer programming) |
GSF | Gridspace Freedom |
GSF | GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit mbH |
GSF | Geospatial Science Forum |
GSF | GPS Support Facility |
GSF | Growth Stock Fund |
GSF | Gulf Sea Frontier |
GSF | Ground Security Force (USMC) |
GSF | Galaxy Science Fiction (magazine) |
GSF | General Support Forces |
GSF | General Special Forces (gaming clan) |
GSF | Group of Soviet Forces |
GSF | Grupo San Felipe (Argentina school) |
GSF | Grenade Safety Fuse |
GSF | Ground Support Facilities |
GSF | Gnomish Special Forces (gaming guild in World of Warcraft) |
GSF | Galactosemic Fibroblasts |
GSF | Greensand Filter |
GSF | Ground System of the Future |
GSF | General Semantics Foundation |
GSF | Group Sex Fic (fanfiction) |
GSF | Grade So Far |
GSF | Global Steel Finance (financial reporting) |
GSF | Gemi Sewa Foundation (Sri Lanka) |