Acronym | Definition |
GSI | General Steel Holdings, Inc. (Beijing, China) |
GSI | Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (German Federal Research Institute f |
GSI | Global Security Institute |
GSI | Global System Integrator (various companies) |
GSI | Global Security International (Daphne, AL) |
GSI | Government Secure Intranet |
GSI | Geological Survey of India |
GSI | Grid Security Infrastructure (software) |
GSI | Goldman Sachs International |
GSI | Green Stormwater Infrastructure (various locations) |
GSI | Global Surf Industries (Australia) |
GSI | Global Subsidies Initiative (International Institute for Sustainable Development) |
GSI | Geographical Survey Institute (Ibaraki, Japan) |
GSI | General Server Interface |
GSI | Grid Security Infrastructure |
GSI | Great Software Ideas |
GSI | Geological Society of Iowa |
GSI | Gas Safety Inspection (UK) |
GSI | Graphic Systems, Inc. (various locations) |
GSI | Greater Spokane Incorporated (Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Council; Spokane, WA) |
GSI | Geological Survey of Ireland (est. 1845) |
GSI | Graduate Student Instructor |
GSI | Gonadosomatic Index |
GSI | Group Self-Insurance |
GSI | Genealogical Society of Ireland (est. 1990) |
GSI | Global Severity Index |
GSI | Genuine Software Initiative (Microsoft) |
GSI | Global Science Institute (est. 2017) |
GSI | Green Storage Initiative (Storage Networking Industry Association) |
GSI | Gross Sexual Imposition |
GSI | Gross Scheduled Income |
GSI | Government Source Inspection |
GSI | Global Sustainability Index (various locations) |
GSI | Graduate Student Intern (various schools) |
GSI | Gannett Satellite Information Network |
GSI | Get Someone In |
GSI | Guest Services, Inc. (Fairfax, VA) |
GSI | Global Single Instance (Oracle) |
GSI | Global Scale Impact (climate change) |
GSI | Generic Safety Issue |
GSI | Geological Strength Index |
GSI | Get Sirius Info |
GSI | Global Strategies International (various locations) |
GSI | Giga-Scale Integration |
GSI | Guest Satisfaction Index (hotel industry) |
GSI | GomTV Star Invitational |
GSI | GameSpy Industries |
GSI | Gerontological Services, Inc. (Santa Monica, CA) |
GSI | Glide Slope Indicator |
GSI | Global Strike Integration (United States Strategic Command Joint Functional Component Command; US DoD) |
GSI | Geological Survey Institute (Japan) |
GSI | Global System Interrupt |
GSI | Grid Security Interface |
GSI | Government Systems Incorporated |
GSI | Goal Systems International (Port Angeles, WA) |
GSI | Geriatrics-For-Specialists Initiative |
GSI | Genie Scientific, Inc. (manufacturer of lab fume hoods and metal cabinets) |
GSI | Generic Software Interface |
GSI | Geek Squad Installer (Best Buy) |
GSI | Galil Seguridad Israelí (Spanish: Galil Israeli Security) |
GSI | Goddard Safety Initiative |
GSI | Guest Service Interaction |
GSI | Gulf States Initiatives |
GSI | Graham Studios Inc (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) |
GSI | Ground Safety Instruction |
GSI | Geo Services International Ltd (UK) |
GSI | GoodSeed International |
GSI | GPETE Support Item |
GSI | Globecomm Systems International (contractor) |
GSI | Gerencia de Seguridad Institucional (Guatemala) |
GSI | Generator Services International, Inc. |