GASGames And Sports
GASGastonia (Amtrak station code; Gastonia, NC)
GASGovernment Auditing Standards
GASGood Academic Standing (various organizations)
GASGeneral Adaptation Syndrome
GASGreetings and Salutations
GASGroup A Streptococci (bacteria)
GASGermany, Austria, Switzerland (group of countries)
GASGlobal Assessment Scale
GASGear Acquisition Syndrome (mainly bass guitarists) :-)
GASGerman Air Service
GASGuitar Acquisition Syndrome
GASGoal Attainment Scaling (patient evaluation tool)
GASGarden Art Show (Colorado)
GASGreat American Smokeout
GASGlobally Asymptotically Stable
GASGlass Art Society
GASGrowth Arrest-Specific
GASGPS Antenna System
GASGeneral Administrative Service (Philippines)
GASGlobal Address Space (programming)
GASGenetic Algorithm Solution
GASGet Away Special (Space Shuttle)
GASGerman Academy of Science
GASGuilty As Sin :-)
GASGlobal Attribute Schema
GASGround Application Software
GASGoogle Adsense
GASGeneral Audit Software
GASGeneral Anthroposophical Society
GASGoogle Apps Script (JavaScript and Google, Inc.)
GASGroupe d'Anthropologie Scolastique (French: Scholastic Anthropology Group)
GASGround Analysis Software
GASGovernment against Society
GASGovernance Advisory Service (Australia)
GASGunner's Auxiliary Sight (secondary optics on an M-1 Abrams tank)
GASGadget Acquisition Syndrome
GASGigantic Art Space (est. 2003; New York)
GASGovernment Account Series
GASGrind Ambition Success
GASGeneral Adaptive Syndrome
GASGalactic Alliance Security (Star Wars)
GASGong Appreciation Society
GASGabardan Athlétique Sport (French: Gabardan Athletic Sport; Gabardan, France)
GASGraef, Anhalt, Schloemer and Associates Inc.
GASGroupe Accueil Solidarité (French: Solidarity Group Home)
GASGNU Assembler Format (GNU software project)
GASGuild of All Souls
GASGate Allocation System
GASGeneral Air Staff
GASGraduate Assessment Survey
GASGeometric Analysis of Sections
GASGeneral Appraisal System
GASGeospatial Annotation Services
GASGeneral Automotive Support
GASGatewick Aviation Services (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
GASGround Aided Seeker
GASGroup A, B-Hemolytic Streptococci bacteria
GASGorizia Automoto Storiche (Italian automobile club; Gorizia, Italy)
GASGhanaian Association of Sacramento (California)