Acronym | Definition |
He | Helium |
He | Health Education |
He | High End |
He | Home Education |
He | Head End |
He | High Energy |
He | Higher Education |
He | Hello Everybody |
He | Heavy Equipment |
He | Hebrew |
He | Health Economics (journal) |
He | Human Engineering |
He | High-Explosive |
He | Hybrid Electric |
He | Home Equity |
He | Home Entertainment |
He | High-Efficiency |
He | His Excellency |
He | Hydro Electric |
He | Hearing Examiner |
He | Heat Exchange |
He | Hesse (Federal State in Germany) |
He | Highly Enriched |
He | Hurricane Electric |
He | Her Excellency |
He | Human Effects |
He | Historic Environment |
He | Human Era (Holocene calendar) |
He | Haute Ecole (French) |
He | Hepatic Encephalopathy |
He | Hematoxylin and Eosin (histology staining method) |
He | Host Environment |
He | Huile Essentielle (French: Essential Oil; plant extract) |
He | Hydrogen Embrittlement |
He | Haunting Echoes (website) |
He | Hereditary Elliptocytosis |
He | Height of Eye |
He | Horizontal Error |
He | Hemagglutinin-Esterase (protein) |
He | Heavy Express |
He | Altitude Error (aviation) |
He | Hoist Electric |
He | Horizontal Equivalent |
He | Hydrophone Effect |
He | Heinckel (German airplane type) |
He | Humidity Extractor (Anarchy Online gaming) |
He | His/Her Eminence |
He | Haematoxyline-Eosin |
He | Hollis and Eastern Railroad Company |
He | Hereditary Erythrocytosis |