IBNInspired by Nature
IBNIowa Board of Nursing (Des Moines, IA)
IBNInbetriebnahme (German: Commissioning)
IBNInternet Business Network
IBNInstitute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
IBNInstitut Belge de Normalisation
IBNIslamic Broadcasting Network
IBNIntegrated Business Network
IBNInternational Booking Network (hostels)
IBNIdentification Beacon
IBNInvestors Blog Network
IBNIrish Bird Network (mailing list)
IBNIsolated Bonding Network
IBNInvariant Basis Number (mathematical)
IBNInstitute of Behavioural Neuroscience (Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience)
IBNIn Before Nuke
IBNInternational Braiders Network
IBNIron Biker News (newspaper)
IBNIvanhoe Broadcast News, Inc