IBRIncome Based Repayment (Federal student loans)
IBRIncorporated By Reference
IBRInfectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
IBRImage-Based Rendering
IBRInternational Business Report (various companies)
IBRIntegrated Baseline Review
IBRIntelligent Broadcast Reduction
IBRInternet Broadband Router
IBRIron Butt Rally (Iron Butt Association motorcycle event)
IBRInstitute of Behavioral Research
IBRIncident-Based Reporting (crime statistics reporting to replace the UCR)
IBRInternational Bear Rendezvous
IBRInternational Bio Recovery (Corporation; North Vancouver, BC, Canada)
IBRIncremental Borrowing Rate
IBRIndependent Business Review (unbiased analysis)
IBRIndian Boiler Regulation (Act)
IBRInstitute for Biblical Research
IBRIndependent Bird Register (UK)
IBRIntegrally Bladed Rotor (jet engine part)
IBRIntelligence Broadcast Receiver
IBRInstall Base Report (Symantec)
IBRIndustrie Bilance Riunite (Italian: Industry Balance Cases; Italy)
IBRInclusion Body Rhinitis
IBRInternational Benchmarking Review (UK and Ireland)
IBRInitial Baseline Review
IBRInternet Background Radiation
IBRInvestment Balance Review
IBRInverted Box Rib (building material)
IBRIt's Been Real
IBRInnovation and Business Relations
IBRIn-Band Request
IBRInstitute of Byzantine Research (Athens, Greece)
IBRInternal Baseline Review
IBRInvestment Budget Review
IBRInstallation Business Reform
IBRInappropriate Behavior Referral
IBRInternal Budget Review
IBRIntra-Base Radio
IBRInternational Bull Riding
IBRInterstate Background Research, Inc. (pre-employment screening; Elfers, FL)
IBRIndependent Bank Review