IPInternet Protocol
IPIntellectual Property
IPInstructor Pilot
IPInjured Person
IPInternet Provider
IPInternational Paper
IPIn Particular
IPInformation Protection
IPInformation Processing
IPIndustrial Property
IPInternational Protection (CENELEC)
IPInfrastructure Protection
IPImage Processing
IPIn Progress
IPIn Person
IPInterested Party
IPInstallation Procedure
IPImproved Performance (M1IP upgraded M1 main battle tank)
IPInformation Policy
IPIn Position
IPInnings Pitched (baseball)
IPIndustrial Park
IPIndustrial Policy
IPImplementation Plan
IPIndustrial Production
IPIn Perspective (Stuyvesant High School student magazine, New York City)
IPiPod (Apple)
IPIncome Protection (disability insurance)
IPIndustrial Protocol
IPInstitute of Physics
IPInformation Paper
IPInstrument Panel
IPIpswich (postcode, United Kingdom)
IPInteger Programming
IPIngress Protection (IEC Standards)
IPInformation Provider
IPIndustry Practice
IPInnocence Project
IPInternal Protocol
IPInvestment Program
IPImportant Person
IPInstruction Pointer
IPInformation Professional
IPInternational Partner
IPIron Pipe
IPInpatient (healthcare and healthcare billing)
IPInitial Position (US DoD)
IPInduced Polarization
IPInfection Prevention
IPIndependence Party
IPInitial Production
IPInterface Program
IPInvestment Portfolio
IPImplementation Procedure
IPIntraperitoneal (area within peritoneal cavity containing abdominal organs)
IPInvestment Promotion
IPInternational President
IPIndividual Provider
IPIraqi Police
IPIdentity-Preserved (grains)
IPIndiana Pacers
IPInternational Priority (commerical carriage modality; FedEx)
IPIssue Paper
IPInstitute of Petroleum
IPIndustry Promotion
IPInitial Point
IPIberian Peninsula
IPIntegrated Process
IPIntegration Plan
IPIron Pin (surveying)
IPInterrupt Process (TELNET Protocol)
IPInteractive Publishing
IPIntegrated Program(s)
IPImprovement Plans (land development)
IPIdentified Patient (behavior)
IPInspection Procedures
IPInstallation Plan
IPInformation Publication
IPIntersection Point
IPIntelligent Peripheral
IPIntegrated Programme (Singapore education program)
IPIntermediate Point
IPIntercessory Prayer
IPInstrument Package
IPInsolvency Petition
IPIntermediate Pressure
IPInterstitial Pneumonia
IPIonization Potential
IPIncontinentia Pigmenti
IPIndividual Protection
IPInfected Premises (US FEMA)
IPIncentive Pay
IPIschemic Preconditioning
IPImplementing Partner
IPIndex Pointer
IPIntegrated Packaging
IPIndustry Pack
IPInstitutional Plan
IPIntensive Production
IPInspection Plan
IPInjector Pump (diesel fuel systems)
IPInternetworking Protocol (DEC)
IPIndicator Panel
IPIntestinal Permeability
IPIdler Pulley
IPIndividual Psychology (Alfred Adler)
IPIntelligence Processing
IPIncineration Plant (waste management facility)
IPIndividual Permit
IPIntoxicated Person (law enforcement)
IPIce Pellets
IPIron Project
IPInternal Pilot (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
IPInformation and Planning (US FEMA)
IPInstytut Polnocny (Polish: North Institute)
IPInsured Property
IPIllinois Power Company
IPIssue Point (various uses)
IPIsotope Production
IPImagery Processing
IPInfection Preventionist
IPIndian Pharmacopoeia
IPIntelligence Problem
IPImplementation of Plan
IPInward Processing
IPInterpositive (photography)
IPInterim Procedure
IPInternal Publication
IPIntermodulation Product
IPInstruction Pamphlet
IPInternational Pharmacopoeia
IPInformational Program
IPInternational Provisioning (Sprint)
IPIsolated Personnel (Joint)
IPInstrument Procedure (aviation)
IPItinerário Principal
IPIntelligent Pig (pipeline industry)
IPInteractive Processor
IPInterrupt Priority Register (Intel 8051 Microcontroller register)
IPInitial Pressing
IPIndian Posse (prison gang)
IPIndexed Price
IPIsolated Platform
IPIndigenous Personnel
IPIntelligence Plot
IPInter Positive (cinema materials products)
IPIrresistible Poison (fanfiction)
IPIntermediate Processor
IPInformation Plaque
IPInstruction Plate
IPIdentification of Position
IPInfantry Portal (Natural Selection computer game)
IPInhalable Particle
IPImmersible Pump
IPIrish Pennant (Navy slang for loose strings on a uniform)
IPIniciació a la Programació (Polythecnic University of Catalonia course)
IPIntelligence Peripheral
IPImmediate Past Office (except National Commodore)
IPISDN Access Port (ITU-T)
IPImagery Analysis Paper (NIMA)
IPInstituti I Pyjeve (Albanian: Forest and Pasturage Institute)
IPInspector of Penitentiary