Acronym | Definition |
IPAR | Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation (Australian National University) |
IPAR | Institute for Policy Analysis and Research |
IPAR | Intercepted Photosynthetically Active Radiation |
IPAR | Institute of Personality Assessment and Research (now Institute of Personality and Social Research; University of California, Berkeley) |
IPAR | Integrity Professionalism Accountability Respect (Vancouver Police Department, Canada motto) |
IPAR | Incident Photosynthetically Active Radiation (at the top of the plant canopy) |
IPAR | Individual Procurement Action Report |
IPAR | Integrated Primary Analysis and Reporting (genome analyzer) |
IPAR | Improved Pulse Acquisition Radar |
IPAR | Informal Performance Assessment Report |
IPAR | International Police Aviation Research |
IPAR | Interpolyelectrolyte Addition Reaction |
IPAR | International Partpintabian Association and Registry |
IPAR | Issue Performance Analysis and Reporting |
IPAR | In-Place Augmented Reality |
IPAR | International Platform for Advanced Recycling |