Acronym | Definition |
GVI | Global Vision International (UK) |
GVI | Generic Voice Interface |
GVI | Graphical Viewer Interface |
GVI | Government of the Virgin Islands |
GVI | Giga Virtual Instrument |
GVI | Global Vegetation Index |
GVI | Grand Valley Institution (prison; Canada) |
GVI | Grangeville (Amtrak station code; Grangeville, ID) |
GVI | Google Videos (file extension) |
GVI | general visual inspection |
GVI | Green Valley Institute |
GVI | Gero Vita International |
GVI | Georgia Ventures Inc. |
GVI | Global Village Idiot |
GVI | Graphical Voter Interface |
GVI | Georgia Volunteer Infantry |
GVI | Gentofte-Vangede Idrætsforening (Danish) |
GVI | Global Value Investors Limited (Sydney, Australia) |
GVI | Genuine Vehicle Imports |
GVI | Gender Violence Institute |
GVI | Grupo Venta Internacional (Mexico) |
GVI | Green River Airport |
GVI | Global Village International |
GVI | Government of the United States Virgin Islands |
GVI | Gateway Ventures Inc. |
GVI | Greenland Visitor Information |
GVI | Glacier View Internet, LLC |
GVI | Goulburn Valley Initiative |
GVI | Grouped Variable Inversion |
GVI | Gold Valuation Index |