Acronym | Definition |
ATAS | Academy of Television Arts & Sciences |
ATAS | Academic Technology Approval Scheme (UK) |
ATAS | Aboriginal Tutorial Assistance Scheme |
ATAS | Aero-Tropics Air Services (Australia) |
ATAS | Air-to-Air Stinger |
ATAS | Advanced Tank Armament System |
ATAS | Active Towed Array Sonar |
ATAS | Australian Tsunami Alert System |
ATAS | Association of Turkish American Scientists |
ATAS | Advance Technology Alert System |
ATAS | Audit Trail Analysis System |
ATAS | Advanced Towed-Array Sonar |
ATAS | Advanced Tactical Airborne System |
ATAS | Acoustic Training and Simulation |
ATAS | Advanced Trainer Avionics Suite |
ATAS | Analog Test Access System |
ATAS | Advanced TOW Acquisition Systems |
ATAS | Advanced Target Acquisition Sensor/System |
ATAS | Automatic Terrain Avoidance System |
ATAS | Airborne Target Acquisition System |