GDAGuideline Daily Amount
GDAGrupo de Diarios de América (Spanish)
GDAGlobal Development Alliance (USAID)
GDAGreen Day Authority (band fan site)
GDAGesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie (German: General Association of Aluminium Industry)
GDAGlobal Document Annotation
GDAGroupement de Développement Agricole (French: Agricultural Development Group)
GDAGreen Deal Advisor
GDAGreenwich Dance Agency (England)
GDAGuide Dogs Association (various locations)
GDAGeorgia Dental Association
GDAGhaziabad Development Authority (UP, Noida, Delhi)
GDAGroup Destination Address
GDAGeneric Design Assessment (UK)
GDAGlobal Directory Agent
GDAGastroduodenal Artery
GDAGlobal Distribution Alliance (logistics service)
GDAGray Design Associates (games)
GDAGlobal Data Area
GDAGeodetic Datum of Australia
GDAGimbal Drive Actuator/Assembly
GDAGeorgia Dietetic Association
GDAGenesys Deployment Agent
GDAGroupe Départemental Ambulances (French: Departmental Ambulances Group)
GDAGeneric Data Access
GDAGood Deal Alert
GDAGimballed Dish Antenna
GDAGrand Democratic Alliance (Pakistan)
GDAGlucose Disposal Agent (nutrition)
GDAGovernment Designated Authority
GDAGerman Draughts Association
GDAGonzaga Dramatic Association (Washington, DC)
GDAGuaranteed Deposit Account
GDAGovernment Design Activity
GDAGraphic Display Adapter
GDAGoal Directed Activity
GDAGround Defence Area (various nations)
GDAGroepering van de Autodealers en Agenten
GDAGun Damage Assessment
GDAGosh Darn Acronyms
GDAGabor Difference Analysis
GDAGround Disturbance Area
GDAGlobal Destination Address
GDAGeographically Discriminatory Arrangement (trade policy)