FMPFull Metal Panic (anime)
FMPFull Moon Party (various locations)
FMPFranklin Machine Products (food service industry)
FMPFixed Maturity Plan
FMPFileMaker Pro
FMPFlow Moisture Point (cargo)
FMPFederación Médica Peruana (Spanish: Peruvian Medical Federation)
FMPFree Music Production (record label; Germany)
FMPFinnish Museum of Photography (Helsinki, Finland)
FMPFont Mapping
FMPFault Management Platform
FMPFast Movie Processor
FMPFoundations of Medical Practice (various schools)
FMPFrom My Perspective
FMPFinancial Management Program
FMPFederación de Mujeres Progresistas (Spanish: Federation of Progressive Women)
FMPForest Management Plan
FMPFull Mission Profile
FMPFacilities Master Plan
FMPFisheries Management Plan
FMPFootball en Mont-Pilat (French football club)
FMPFacility Management Professional
FMPFédération Mutualiste Parisienne (French: Paris Mutuality Federation)
FMPFinal Major Project (education)
FMPFlood Mitigation Plan (various locations)
FMPForce Management Policy
FMPFlorida Marine Patrol (State Police Agency, now merged with Florida Game Commission)
FMPForces Martiniquaises de Progrès (French political party)
FMPFamily Maintenance Program (Canada)
FMPField Management Program (US FEMA)
FMPFederated Media Publishing (est. 2005)
FMPFleet Modernization Program
FMPFuel Manufacturing Plant
FMPFinal Menstrual Period (menopause)
FMPFloodplain Mapping Program (North Carolina)
FMPFind My Past (ancestry website)
FMPFranchise Meeting Point (Czech Franchise Association)
FMPFlow Management Position (air traffic management)
FMPFamily Medicine/Psychiatry (various locations)
FMPFunctional Molded Part
FMPFinancial Management Plan
FMPFood Management Professional
FMPFlaman Management Partners Ltd (Ottawa, ON, Canada)
FMPFashion Merchandising Promotion
FMPFull Moon Productions (Lakeland, FL)
FMPFirst Markham Place (mall)
FMPFacility Management Plan
FMPFair Market Price
FMPFactory Master Plan
FMPFamily Member Prefix (US Military Health System, CHCS)
FMPFunctional Maintenance Program (physical therapy)
FMPFabrique de Menuiserie Plastique (French: Plastic Joinery Factory)
FMPFamily Member Program (US Air Force)
FMPFinnish Mushroom People (gaming community)
FMPFirst Menstrual Period (menarche)
FMPForage Mécanique de Précision (French: Drilling Precision Mechanics)
FMPFreshman Mentor Program
FMPForce Module Package
FMPFullwell Motor Products
FMPFédération Musicale de Paris (French: Paris Music Federation)
FMPFully Motorized Pig (band)
FMPFlorida Mentoring Partnership (Tallahassee, FL)
FMPFault Management Platform (Clearnet)
FMPFetal Movement Profile
FMPField Message Pad
FMPFloodplain Management Program
FMPBureau of Finance and Management Policy (Department of State)
FMPFunctional Multiprocessor
FMPFlowing Magnetized Plasma
FMPFlight Manual Program
FMPFleet Maritime Patrol
FMPFlorida Memory Project
FMPFoursquare Missions Press (Anaheim, CA)
FMPFORSCOM Mobilization Plan
FMPForced Migration Project
FMPFunctional Management Program
FMPForms Management Program
FMPFiber Management Panel (ADC)
FMPFues' Model Potential
FMPForce Management & Personnel
FMPFleet Modernization Plan (US Navy)
FMPForce Modernization Package
FMPFreemason Pride (online forum)
FMPFleet Modernization/Maintenance Program
FMPFixed Maturity Product
FMPForces Mobilization Plan
FMPField Mark Print (construction)
FMPFuel Manifold Pressure
FMPFrequency Management Plan
FMPFixed My Post