Acronym | Definition |
FMP | Full Metal Panic (anime) |
FMP | Full Moon Party (various locations) |
FMP | Franklin Machine Products (food service industry) |
FMP | Fixed Maturity Plan |
FMP | FileMaker Pro |
FMP | Flow Moisture Point (cargo) |
FMP | Federación Médica Peruana (Spanish: Peruvian Medical Federation) |
FMP | Free Music Production (record label; Germany) |
FMP | Finnish Museum of Photography (Helsinki, Finland) |
FMP | Font Mapping |
FMP | Fault Management Platform |
FMP | Fast Movie Processor |
FMP | Foundations of Medical Practice (various schools) |
FMP | From My Perspective |
FMP | Financial Management Program |
FMP | Federación de Mujeres Progresistas (Spanish: Federation of Progressive Women) |
FMP | Forest Management Plan |
FMP | Full Mission Profile |
FMP | Facilities Master Plan |
FMP | Fisheries Management Plan |
FMP | Football en Mont-Pilat (French football club) |
FMP | Facility Management Professional |
FMP | Fédération Mutualiste Parisienne (French: Paris Mutuality Federation) |
FMP | Final Major Project (education) |
FMP | Flood Mitigation Plan (various locations) |
FMP | Force Management Policy |
FMP | Florida Marine Patrol (State Police Agency, now merged with Florida Game Commission) |
FMP | Forces Martiniquaises de Progrès (French political party) |
FMP | Family Maintenance Program (Canada) |
FMP | Field Management Program (US FEMA) |
FMP | Federated Media Publishing (est. 2005) |
FMP | Fleet Modernization Program |
FMP | Fuel Manufacturing Plant |
FMP | Final Menstrual Period (menopause) |
FMP | Floodplain Mapping Program (North Carolina) |
FMP | Find My Past (ancestry website) |
FMP | Franchise Meeting Point (Czech Franchise Association) |
FMP | Flow Management Position (air traffic management) |
FMP | Family Medicine/Psychiatry (various locations) |
FMP | Functional Molded Part |
FMP | Financial Management Plan |
FMP | Food Management Professional |
FMP | Flaman Management Partners Ltd (Ottawa, ON, Canada) |
FMP | Fashion Merchandising Promotion |
FMP | Full Moon Productions (Lakeland, FL) |
FMP | First Markham Place (mall) |
FMP | Facility Management Plan |
FMP | Fair Market Price |
FMP | Factory Master Plan |
FMP | Family Member Prefix (US Military Health System, CHCS) |
FMP | Functional Maintenance Program (physical therapy) |
FMP | Fabrique de Menuiserie Plastique (French: Plastic Joinery Factory) |
FMP | Family Member Program (US Air Force) |
FMP | Finnish Mushroom People (gaming community) |
FMP | First Menstrual Period (menarche) |
FMP | Forage Mécanique de Précision (French: Drilling Precision Mechanics) |
FMP | Freshman Mentor Program |
FMP | Force Module Package |
FMP | Fullwell Motor Products |
FMP | Fédération Musicale de Paris (French: Paris Music Federation) |
FMP | Fully Motorized Pig (band) |
FMP | Florida Mentoring Partnership (Tallahassee, FL) |
FMP | Fault Management Platform (Clearnet) |
FMP | Fetal Movement Profile |
FMP | Field Message Pad |
FMP | Floodplain Management Program |
FMP | Bureau of Finance and Management Policy (Department of State) |
FMP | Functional Multiprocessor |
FMP | Flowing Magnetized Plasma |
FMP | Flight Manual Program |
FMP | Fleet Maritime Patrol |
FMP | Florida Memory Project |
FMP | Foursquare Missions Press (Anaheim, CA) |
FMP | FORSCOM Mobilization Plan |
FMP | Forced Migration Project |
FMP | Functional Management Program |
FMP | Forms Management Program |
FMP | Fiber Management Panel (ADC) |
FMP | Fues' Model Potential |
FMP | Force Management & Personnel |
FMP | Fleet Modernization Plan (US Navy) |
FMP | Force Modernization Package |
FMP | Freemason Pride (online forum) |
FMP | Fleet Modernization/Maintenance Program |
FMP | Fixed Maturity Product |
FMP | Forces Mobilization Plan |
FMP | Field Mark Print (construction) |
FMP | Fuel Manifold Pressure |
FMP | Frequency Management Plan |
FMP | Fixed My Post |