GWGames Workshop
GWGod's Word Translation (bible)
GWGeorge Washington
GWGeorge Washington University
GWGlobal Warming
GWGeorge W (Bush)
GWGuild Wars (video game)
GWGreat Wall (Asian automobile manufacturer)
GWGood Work
GWGross Weight
GWGround Water
GWGuerrilla Warfare
GWGravitational Wave
GWGuinea-Bissau (country code, top level domain)
GWGuess What?
GWGreat White (Shark)
GWGundam Wing (game)
GWGardner-Webb (University)
GWGulf War
GWGolden Week (holiday period in Japan)
GWGroupWise (Novell)
GWGebrauchtwagen (used Car)
GWGrondwet (Dutch)
GWGravity Wave
GWGround Wire
GWGrain Weight
GWGod Willing
GWGeorge Washington Bridge (between New York, NY and Fort Lee, New Jersey; above Hudson River)
GWGreat Weapon (gaming term)
GWGlobal Witness
GWGee Whiz
GWGuided Weapon
GWGestation Weeks (fetal development)
GWGenital Warts
GWGround Wave
GWGaming World
GWGreat Western Bank
GWGetting Wet
GWGewiss (Italian electronics manufacturer)
GWGerard Way (singer)
GWGamewinners (website)
GWGift Wrapping
GWGeorge Wassouf (musician)
GWGlaxoWellcome (pharmaceuticals)
GWGrey Wolf, Inc. (stock symbol)
GWGiga-Watt (10^9 watts)
GWGround Window
GWGeneral Warning
GWGreene-Wood (array)
GWGamma World (roleplaying game)
GWGlobal Warfare (gaming)
GWGeekworks (US and Australia)
GWGaseous Waste
GWGameWinning (Goals; hockey)
GWGhostwalk (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons)
GWWell Graded Gravels
GWGoblin Workshop (gaming, World of Warcraft)
GWGamers' Workshop (magazine)
GWGoogle Whack
GWGrab Working-Level Sampling
GWGreeley West High School (Greeley, Colorado)
GWGround Wetness
GWGroup of Work (Saudi Arabia)
GWGamer Within (gaming forum)
GWGalanthus Woronowii (flower bulb)
GWGeneric Workstation
GWGEEIA Workload Schedule
GWOne-Particle Green Function (g) with Screened Coulomb Interaction (w)
GWGaming Wizard