GWAGenome Wide Association
GWAGolden Web Awards (International Association of Web Masters and Designers)
GWAGirls with Attitude
GWAGeorge Walton Academy (Monroe, GA)
GWAGolden World Awards
GWAGarden Writers Association
GWAGender and Water Alliance
GWAGlobal Wireless Accessories
GWAGenuine Windows Advantage
GWAGoogle Web Accelerator
GWAGovernment-Wide Accounting
GWAGesamtverband Werbeagenturen (German Association of Communications Agencies; Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
GWAGroundwater Assessment
GWAGoodwyn Alpha (oil platform off western Australia)
GWAGamers with Attitude (gaming clan)
GWAGovernment of Wales Act 1998
GWAGeneral Weighted Average
GWAGlobal Wind Alliance (wind farm industry)
GWAGlobal WordNet Association
GWAGreat War Association (World War I history organization)
GWAGeneral Work Area
GWAGuitar World Acoustic (magazine)
GWAGlobal Warming Alarmist
GWAGame Winning Assist (soccer)
GWAGenuine Windows Advantage (Microsoft)
GWAGarba With Attitude (Indian folk dance competition)
GWAGlobal Work Area
GWAGeneral Welfare Act (Canada)
GWAGerman Wolf Association
GWAGinger With Attitude
GWAGetronics Workspace Alliance (Belgium)
GWAGerman World Alliance (New Carrollton, MD)
GWAGirls Weekend Away
GWAGeoffrey Werner-Allen
GWAGeorgia Watermelon Association
GWAGeneralized Watermark Attack
GWAGangsters with Authority (gaming clan)
GWAGardeners with Attitude (Auckland, New Zealand band)