Acronym | Definition |
IPB | Invision Power Board (forum) |
IPB | Institut Pertanian Bogor (Indonesian: Bogor Agricultural Institute) |
IPB | International Personal Banking |
IPB | Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield |
IPB | International Peace Bureau |
IPB | Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace |
IPB | Investicni a Postovni Banka (Czech Republic) |
IPB | Institute of Plant Biology |
IPB | Internet Protocol Base |
IPB | Institut Paul Bocuse (French: Paul Bocuse Institute) |
IPB | In-Plane Bending |
IPB | Illustrated Parts Breakdown |
IPB | International Powder Bulk (trade show) |
IPB | Institute of Plant Breeding (Philippines) |
IPB | International Private Bank (various companies) |
IPB | Integrated Production Bundle (oil and gas drilling) |
IPB | Islamic Party of Britain (UK) |
IPB | Investment Promotion Bureau |
IPB | Installation Property Book |
IPB | Incentive Performance Bonus |
IPB | Information Policy Board (Australia) |
IPB | Isolated Phase Bus |
IPB | Insanity Prawn Boy |
IPB | Installation Planning Board |
IPB | International Peace Building |
IPB | Interactive Processing Branch |
IPB | Improved PB |
IPB | Intercept Priorities Board |
IPB | Image Processing Board |
IPB | Internet Pharmacy Bureau (IPB) |
IPB | Illuminated Pushbutton |
IPB | Intelligence Property Book |
IPB | Intelligence Preparation of the Border (US Border Patrol) |
IPB | Intelligent Preparation of the Battlespace |
IPB | Internet Protocol Ban (forums) |
IPB | Interoperability Policy Board |
IPB | Initial Participation Branch (US Department of Education) |
IPB | Isolated Phase Bus Bar |