GGIGruppo Giovani Imprenditori (Italian: Young Entrepreneurs)
GGIGeneral Graphics Interface
GGIGateway to Gateway Interworking
GGIGuided Group Interaction (aka Group Guided Interaction)
GGIGo Green Initiative (environment; various locations)
GGIGoldense Group, Inc. (Needham, MA)
GGIGuilty Gear Isuka (game)
GGIGold’s Gym International
GGIGPS Geoscience Instrument
GGIGold to Gold Interconnect (alternative die attach process to gold wire bonding)
GGIGroup Guided Interaction (aka Guided Group Interaction)
GGIGreening Government Initiative (various locations)
GGIGrandview Gold Inc. (Canada)
GGIGlobal Grid Initiative
GGIGlobal Growth Initiative