Acronym | Definition |
HFM | Hyperion Financial Management (Oracle) |
HFM | Holy Family Memorial (Manitowoc, WI) |
HFM | Hiroshima FM (Frequency Modulation; radio station; Japan) |
HFM | Hedge Fund Manager (investing) |
HFM | Hollow Fiber Membrane |
HFM | Hauptfeuerwehrmann (German: Main Firefighter) |
HFM | Hands Free Module (audio) |
HFM | Hachette Filipacchi Medias (publisher) |
HFM | Hindi Film Music |
HFM | Health Facilities Management (journal) |
HFM | Hairdressing for Men (UK) |
HFM | Holland Film Meeting (Netherlands Film Festival) |
HFM | Hemifacial Microsomia |
HFM | Hydraulic Fracture Monitoring |
HFM | Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan |
HFM | Hybrid Fighting Method (martial arts) |
HFM | Human Factors and Medicine |
HFM | Human Figure Model |
HFM | Heat Flow Meter |
HFM | Hormone Fluctuation Model (weight training) |
HFM | Heritage Fund Management |
HFM | Hub Filter Module |
HFM | Hungry Fish Media, LLC (Cambridge, MA) |
HFM | Hot-Film Air Mass Meter |
HFM | Hult Fritz Matuszak (Peoria, IL) |
HFM | High Field Magnet |
HFM | High Frequency Module |
HFM | Hybrid Fault Model |
HFM | Heavy Forces Modernization |
HFM | High Fidelity Mockup (Johnson Space Center; US NASA) |
HFM | Hold for Merchandise (retail) |
HFM | Hands Free Massage |