GASPGlobal Aviation Safety Plan (International Civil Aviation Organization)
GASPGroup Against Smoking Pollution
GASPGroup to Alleviate Smoking Pollution
GASPGrup d'Automoció i Serveis Pruna (Spanish automotive services group)
GASPGames Adolescents Shouldn't Play
GASPGay and Straight People
GASPGulf Area Sea Paddlers
GASPGlobal Atmospheric Sampling Program
GASPGenerally Accepted Security Principles
GASPGroup Against Smokers Pollution
GASPGeorgia Association of School Psychologists
GASPGas Plasma Display
GASPGraph Algorithm and Software Package
GASPGuide Star Astrometric Support Package
GASPGeneral Aviation Synthesis Program (NASA)
GASPGroup Action Into Steroid Prescribing (UK)
GASPGrip Aim Stance Posture (golf swing)
GASPGlobal Air Sampling Program
GASPGesellschaft für Agrar- und Stadtökologische Projekte mbH
GASPGatekeeper Synchronization Protocol
GASPGreat Ape Survival Plan
GASPGas Accumulation Over Spreading Pools
GASPGeneralized Academic Simulation Program
GASPGemeinsame Außer- und Sicherheitspolitik (German, European Union)
GASPGeomagnetic Autonomous Shuttle - Launched Probe
GASPGeneralized Aerodynamic Simulation Program
GASPGeneral ADP Support PDP11/70
GASPGlobal Assimilation Prediction
GASPGeneralized Activity Simulation Program
GASPGeneralized Assembly & Sort Processor
GASPGod Another Simple Prolog
GASPGarlic, Artichoke, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, & Pesto Pizza
GASPGPETE Asset Screening Program