Acronym | Definition |
GASP | Global Aviation Safety Plan (International Civil Aviation Organization) |
GASP | Group Against Smoking Pollution |
GASP | Group to Alleviate Smoking Pollution |
GASP | Grup d'Automoció i Serveis Pruna (Spanish automotive services group) |
GASP | Games Adolescents Shouldn't Play |
GASP | Gay and Straight People |
GASP | Gulf Area Sea Paddlers |
GASP | Global Atmospheric Sampling Program |
GASP | Generally Accepted Security Principles |
GASP | Group Against Smokers Pollution |
GASP | Georgia Association of School Psychologists |
GASP | Gas Plasma Display |
GASP | Graph Algorithm and Software Package |
GASP | Guide Star Astrometric Support Package |
GASP | General Aviation Synthesis Program (NASA) |
GASP | Group Action Into Steroid Prescribing (UK) |
GASP | Grip Aim Stance Posture (golf swing) |
GASP | Global Air Sampling Program |
GASP | Gesellschaft für Agrar- und Stadtökologische Projekte mbH |
GASP | Gatekeeper Synchronization Protocol |
GASP | Great Ape Survival Plan |
GASP | Gas Accumulation Over Spreading Pools |
GASP | Generalized Academic Simulation Program |
GASP | Gemeinsame Außer- und Sicherheitspolitik (German, European Union) |
GASP | Geomagnetic Autonomous Shuttle - Launched Probe |
GASP | Generalized Aerodynamic Simulation Program |
GASP | General ADP Support PDP11/70 |
GASP | Global Assimilation Prediction |
GASP | Generalized Activity Simulation Program |
GASP | Generalized Assembly & Sort Processor |
GASP | God Another Simple Prolog |
GASP | Garlic, Artichoke, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, & Pesto Pizza |
GASP | GPETE Asset Screening Program |