Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
Acronym | Definition |
HAG | Haggai |
HAG | Height above Ground (measurement) |
HAG | Have-A-Go |
HAG | Highest Adjacent Grade |
HAG | Hardware Action Group |
HAG | Highest Adjacent Ground (US FEMA) |
HAG | Huntington Art Gallery (Texas) |
HAG | Hazardous Activity Group (US DoD/US NSA) |
HAG | Housing Advocacy Group |
HAG | Home Access Gateway |
HAG | Hi And Goodbye |
HAG | Helicopter Action Group |
HAG | Hansen Assembly of God (Hansen, Idaho) |
HAG | High Assurance Guards (military information management assurance) |
HAG | HIV/AIDS and Gender |
HAG | Highly Academically Gifted |
HAG | High-explosive Anti-armor Grenade |
HAG | Horticulture Association of Ghana (trade group) |
HAG | Hokkaido Adachi Gakuen (Japan) |