Acronym | Definition |
FUM | Friends United Meeting (Richmond, Indiana, USA) |
FUM | Forum Urbain Mondial (French: World Urban Forum) |
FUM | Fonctions d'Urgence en Mer (French: Emergeny Fuctions at Sea; Canada) |
FUM | Funds Under Management |
FUM | Félag um Menntarannsóknir (Icelandic educational association) |
FUM | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Mashhad, Iran) |
FUM | Foyers Universitaires Malgaches (Madagascar university homes) |
FUM | Follow Up Meeting |
FUM | Freight Under Management |
FUM | Follow-Up Measure |
FUM | Friends of Urambo and Mwanhala (Tanzania charity) |
FUM | Fermi-Ulam Model |
FUM | Functional User's Manual |
FUM | Falkenau, Ullman & Murray (Irish musical group; Ireland) |
FUM | Full Unified Messaging |
FUM | Fresh, Unique, Meaningful Content (website component) |