Acronym | Definition |
JEM | Justice and Equality Movement (Sudan) |
JEM | Jeunesse en Mission (French: Youth with a Mission) |
JEM | Journal of Experimental Medicine |
JEM | Journal of Emergency Management |
JEM | Journal of Electronic Materials (Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) |
JEM | Jammer Emulation Module |
JEM | Japanese Experiment Module |
JEM | Journal of Emerging Markets |
JEM | Journal of Educational Measurement (education) |
JEM | Journal of Environmental Management |
JEM | Journal of Electronics Manufacturing (World Scientific Publishing Co.) |
JEM | Joint Effects Model |
JEM | Job Evaluation Method |
JEM | Jet Engine Modulation |
JEM | Joint Experts Meeting |
JEM | Joint Exercise Manual |
JEM | Jeunesse et Marine (French sailing school) |
JEM | Junior EU-ASEAN Managers Programme |
JEM | Java Element Manager (Ciena) |
JEM | JSS Enhancement and Modernization |
JEM | Jewish Educational Movement (Beverly Hills, CA) |