JCIJoint Commission International
JCIJunior Chamber International
JCIJournal of Clinical Investigation
JCIJohnson Controls, Inc.
JCIJunior Chamber, Inc. (various locations)
JCIJuan Carlos I (Spain)
JCIJumper for Chassis Intrusion
JCIJournal Communications, Inc. (est. 1882; Milwaukee, WI)
JCIJordan Chamber of Industry (Amman, Jordan)
JCIJapanese Cultural Institute (Gardena, CA)
JCIJapan Concrete Institute
JCIJapan Communications, Inc.
JCIJeune Chambre Internationale (French: Junior Chamber International)
JCIJust Checking In
JCIJourney of the Cross and Icon
JCIJohannesburg Consolidated Investment Company Limited
JCIJarvis Collegiate Institute
JCIJournal of Communication Inquiry
JCIJuventud Comunista Ibérica (Spanish: Iberian Communist Youth)
JCIJupiter Communications, Inc. (New York City)
JCIJapan Craft Inspection Organization
JCIJoint Council Initiative
JCIJournal of Community Informatics
JCIJoint Communications Instruction
JCIJacobson Computers Inc.
JCIJudges Certification Incorporated