Acronym | Definition |
IMO | In My Opinion |
IMO | In Memory Of |
IMO | International Maritime Organization (UN) |
IMO | International Mathematical Olympiad |
IMO | Icelandic Meteorological Office |
IMO | Insurance Marketing Organization (various companies) |
IMO | I Mean Obviously |
IMO | Im Moment (German: In This Moment) |
IMO | International Meteor Organization |
IMO | Intelligent Medical Objects, Inc. (Northbrook, IL) |
IMO | Institute for Marketecology (Switzerland) |
IMO | Internet Multimedia Office |
IMO | I'm Moving On |
IMO | In Mijn Ogen (Dutch: in My Eyes) |
IMO | Internet Mail Only |
IMO | Irish Medical Organisation |
IMO | International Money Order |
IMO | Independent Electricity Market Operator |
IMO | Independent Marketing Organization (insurance) |
IMO | Independent Market Operator |
IMO | Information Management Officer |
IMO | Infrastructure Management Outsourcing |
IMO | Integration Management Officer |
IMO | Individual Member Organization |
IMO | Intelink Management Office (US DoD) |
IMO | Intermediate Military Objective (US DoD) |
IMO | Intergovernmental Maritime Organization (obsolete) |
IMO | Integrated Market Offering |
IMO | Interactive Mathematics Online |
IMO | Independently Moving Object |
IMO | Intuitive Music Orchestra |
IMO | Immune Modulatory Oligonucleotides |
IMO | Instant Money-Order |
IMO | Israel Midden Oosten (Dutch: Israel Middle East) |
IMO | Institut für Mathematische Optimierung (Universität Magdeburg, Germany) |
IMO | Improved Massey-Omura (hardware multiplier) |
IMO | Insaat Mühendisleri Odasi (Turkish: Chambers of Civil Engineering) |
IMO | Idaho Mounted Orienteering (club) |
IMO | International Market Opportunities |
IMO | Intramural Order |
IMO | Incident Management Officer |
IMO | Intermediate Math Open |
IMO | Installation Maintenance Officer |
IMO | Integrated Molecular Orbital |
IMO | Installation Management Office |
IMO | Installation Mobility Officer |
IMO | Intensive Management Office |
IMO | Imaobong Missionary Outreach |
IMO | Information Media Outlet |