LFRLiving Forgotten Realms (Dungeons and Dragons campaign)
LFRLooking for Raid (World of Warcraft)
LFRLarge Format Retail (various companies)
LFRLow Frequency Radio
LFRLet Freedom Ring
LFRLogical Form Recognition
LFRLead-Cooled Fast Reactor
LFRLoud Fast Rules
LFRLand and Food Resources (various organizations)
LFRLio 'on Famor Rotuma Party (Fiji)
LFRLinear Fresnel Reflector (solar energy)
LFRLaboratories for Fundamental Research
LFRLow Frequency Radio Range
LFRInshore Fire Support Ship
LFRLevine Fricke Recon (Emeryville, CA environmental management and consulting engineering company)
LFRLower Fuser Roller (copier component)
LFRLower Fuser Roller
LFRLoss Free Resistor (electronics)
LFRLive for Rugby (rugby clothing brand)
LFRLow Frequency Response
LFRLive Fire Range
LFRLaughing for Real (Internet slang)
LFRLocal Forest Reserve
LFRLatin Funk Rock (band)
LFRLaunch and Flight Reliability
LFRLett Feltradio (Norwegian)
LFRLogical First Routing
LFRLong-Term Failure Rate
LFRLicence Fee Revenue
LFRLosers for Real
LFRLower Front Right