LFSLinux from Scratch
LFSLive for Speed (computer racing simulation)
LFSLabour Force Survey (UK)
LFSLearning for Sustainability
LFSLondon Film School
LFSLog-Structured File System (Unix, BSD)
LFSLocal Fish Store
LFSLow Frequency Sound
LFSLat File System
LFSLog Structured File System
LFSLoop Filter Synthesizer
LFSLarge File Summit
LFSLocal File Server
LFSLogical File System
LFSLow Frequency Sonar
LFSLaunch File Server
LFSLarge File Support
LFSLi-Fraumeni Syndrome (cancer predisposition syndrome)
LFSLeadership, Friendship, Service (motto)
LFSLocal File System
LFSLeague of Filipino Students
LFSLaw Firm Services (various locations)
LFSLarge File System
LFSLateral Flow Strip
LFSLibertarian Futurist Society (political foresight group)
LFSLarge Format Store
LFSLoopback File System
LFSLifelong Friendship Society (Brooklyn, NY)
LFSLoral Federal Systems
LFSLinux Filesystem Standard
LFSLooking for Squad (gaming)
LFSLost, Forgotten or Stolen (badges; Sandia National Laboratories; California and New Mexico)
LFSLegacy Financial System (US EPA)
LFSLaser Fence Sensor
LFSLegion of Fallen Souls (gaming clan)
LFSLanding Force Support Ship
LFSLangley Family Services (British Columbia, Canada)
LFSLexus Financial Service (various locations)
LFSLarge Field Socialization (dog training technique)
LFSLow Flammability, Low Sensitivity
LFSLicensed Financial Services Division
LFSLower Frequency Subband
LFSLogistics Fleet Support
LFSLow Floor Systems (bus model)
LFSLow Flow Switch (engineering)
LFSLead Free Slug (small caliber ammunition)