LGBLocal Governing Body
LGBLets Go Blues
LGBLesbian, Gay & Bisexual
LGBLaser Guided Bomb
LGBLaser-Guided Bomb
LGBLittle Golden Books
LGBLandesvermessung und Geobasisinformation (German)
LGBLower Geyser Basin
LGBLehmann Gross Bahn (G-scale model trains)
LGBLong Beach Daugherty Field Airport (California)
LGBLaboratory for Genomics and Bioinformatics (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center)
LGBLarger Grain Borer
LGBLesser Grain Borer
LGBLive Global Bid, Inc
LGBLateral Geniculate Body
LGBLong Beach, CA, USA - Long Beach Municipal Airport (Airport Code)
LGBLiving Gene Bank
LGBLocal Government Brief
LGBLogiciels de Gestion Bibliographique (French)
LGBLoganberry Books
LGBLos Gatos Brewing Co.
LGBLewes, Glynde and Beddingham (brass band)
LGBLittle Garden & Backyard Railroad
LGBLanjut Golden Beach (Malaysia)
LGBLittle Gray Birds (birdwatching)