Acronym | Definition |
IPF | International Polar Foundation |
IPF | Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis |
IPF | Itanium Processor Family (Intel) |
IPF | Indoor Practice Facility (various schools) |
IPF | International Personal Finance (various locations) |
IPF | Intergovernmental Panel on Forests |
IPF | Immature Platelet Fraction |
IPF | Infrastructure Planning and Facilities (various locations) |
IPF | Inpatient Psychiatric Facility |
IPF | Itanium Processor Family |
IPF | Immediate Parameter File |
IPF | Invalid Page Format |
IPF | Information Presentation Facility |
IPF | Iterative Proportional Fitting |
IPF | In-Print Forever (Artech House) |
IPF | International Powerlifting Federation |
IPF | Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis |
IPF | Invalid Page Fault |
IPF | Institute of Public Finance (UK) |
IPF | International Priority Freight (commerical carriage modality; FedEx) |
IPF | Infrastructure Project Financing (various organizations) |
IPF | Integrated Planning Framework (various organizations) |
IPF | International Press Federation |
IPF | Integrated Processing Facility |
IPF | International Policy Fellowship |
IPF | Isotope Production Facility |
IPF | International Pharmaceutical Federation |
IPF | Instrumented Protective Function |
IPF | Indianapolis Parks Foundation (Indiana) |
IPF | Information Processing Facility |
IPF | Iraqi Police Force |
IPF | Indian Peacekeeping Force |
IPF | Interactive Processing Facility |
IPF | Important Product Feature |
IPF | Iron Pin Found (surveying) |
IPF | Iron Pipe Found |
IPF | Intelligence Processing Facility |
IPF | Interactive Productivity Facility (IBM software package for VM/SP Operating System) |
IPF | In Place Forces |
IPF | Initial Production Facilities |
IPF | Illegal Page Fault |
IPF | Interference Protection Feature |
IPF | Instrument Protective Function |
IPF | Innovation Possibilities Frontier |
IPF | Internet Protocol Filter (NetBSD Firewall System) |
IPF | Impact-Producing Factor |
IPF | International Protection Force |
IPF | Instructions Per Fetch |
IPF | Imagery Processing Facility |
IPF | Investment Property Fund |
IPF | Ionic Packing Factor |
IPF | Ingénieur Professionel Français (French: French Professional Engineers) |
IPF | Internal Protection Fault |