IPGIndependent Publishers Group
IPGImmobilized pH Gradient (two-dimensional gel electrophoresis)
IPGInternational Power Generation (UK)
IPGInterpublic Group of Companies Inc (New York, NY advertising holding company)
IPGInter-Packet Gap
IPGImplantable Pulse Generator
IPGIndependent Petroleum Group (Kuwait)
IPGImpedance Plethysmography
IPGIndian Pilots Guild
IPGInteractive Program Guide
IPGInter Packet Gap
IPGInput Gain
IPGInformation Power Grid
IPGImaging and Printing Group
IPGInternet Payment Gateway
IPGIndependent Platform Gateway
IPGIn-Plant Graphics (North American Publishing Company; Philadelphia, PA)
IPGInformation Power Grid (NASA high performance computational grid)
IPGInternational Poster Gallery
IPGImaging & Printing Group (Hewlett-Packard)
IPGInternational Planning Group (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands)
IPGInternational Phenological Gardens (Europe)
IPGInstitute for Problem Gambling
IPGImage Processing Group
IPGImmediate Participation Guarantee (insurance contract)
IPGInterim Policy Guidance
IPGInternational Programmers Guild
IPGIntegrated Planning Guidance (US FEMA)
IPGIn-Plane-Gate (transistor)
IPGIntegrated Payment Gateway (software)
IPGInformation Providers' Guide
IPGInstitute for Pig Genetics BV
IPGIssue Priority Group
IPGIntelligent Premises Gateway (broadband gateways)
IPGInvision Power Gallery (image software)
IPGInternet Press Guild
IPGInternational Professional Groomers, Inc.
IPGInstitute de Physique du Globe
IPGImplementation Planning Group
IPGIntercessory Prayer Group (various locations)
IPGInstant Photo Gallery
IPGIdentity Preserved Grain
IPGIntersessional Planning Group
IPGInternational Play Girl
IPGInositolphosphate Glycan
IPGIntensive Program of Growth (comprised of cycles of expansion, consolidation, reflection, and planning stages)
IPGInternet Program Guide
IPGInnovative Performance Group, LLC (copier industry recruiter)
IPGInformation Planning Group
IPGInvestment Planning Group
IPGInter Project Group
IPGInterdepartmental Privacy and Government Online Working Group (Canada)
IPGIndependent Players Guild (gaming clan)
IPGInitial Partnership Goal
IPGISDN Parameter Group (Telcordia)
IPGInvestment Product Group
IPGImpact Performance Group, Inc. (Wellesley, MA)