Acronym | Definition |
IDH | Indice de Développement Humain (French: Human Development Index) |
IDH | Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (ecology) |
IDH | Id Help |
IDH | Isocitric Dehydrogenase |
IDH | intradialytic hypotension |
IDH | Istinye Devlet Hastanesi (Turkish: Istinye State Hospital; Istinye, Istanbul, Turkey) |
IDH | Independent Design House (various organizations) |
IDH | Instituto do Homem (Brasil) |
IDH | Integrated Door Hardware |
IDH | Indirect Hire |
IDH | Interface Design Handbook |
IDH | International Design House (Hong Kong) |
IDH | International Data Harmonization (software) |
IDH | Immediately Dangerous to Health (environmental and industrial regulations) |