ICASInstitute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland
ICASIdentifies the Common Audio Stream
ICASInternational Convention of Asia Scholars (est. 1997)
ICASInternal-Carotid-Artery Stenosis
ICASInternational Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
ICASIndependent Complaints Advocacy Service (UK NHS)
ICASInternational Council of the Aeronautical Sciences
ICASIn-House Credit Assessment System (EU)
ICASInternational Committee against Stoning (human rights organization)
ICASIntegrated Condition Assessment System
ICASInternational Council of Arbitration for Sport
ICASInternational Center for Advanced Study (New York)
ICASInternational Council of Airshows
ICASIndividual Capital Adequacy Standards
ICASIsland Culture Archival Support (San Marcos, CA)
ICASInstitutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice
ICASIntel Communicating Applications Specifications
ICASIntersegmental Committee of Academic Senates
ICASInteracademic Commission for Alpine Studies
ICASIntersection Collision Avoidance System (traffic; various organizations)
ICASIntermittent Commercial and Amateur Service (tubing industry)
ICASInstitute for Critical Animal Studies
ICASInterdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences
ICASIndependent Counseling and Advisory Services
ICASIndividual Chemical Alarm System
ICASIntegrated Chronological Applications System (uniform scales of calendar and clock)
ICASIndication, Control & Alarm System
ICASInteragency Committee for Atmospheric Science
ICASImmaculate Conception Apostolic School (Center Harbor, NH)
ICASInfrared Countermeasures Assessment System
ICASIntegrated Cost and Scheduling
ICASImage Capture & Analysis System
ICASInternational Communications Application Specification
ICASIntegrated Combat Assessment System
ICASInternal Corrective Action System
ICASCasualty Actuarial Society Institute
ICASInternal Compliance and Assessment System
ICASInternational Cell Assisted Surgery Congress (conference)