IUSIndiana University Southeast (New Albany, IN, USA)
IUSIncisive Unified Simulator (software)
IUSInertial Upper Stage
IUSInternational Ultrasonics Symposium (IEEE)
IUSInternal Use Software (various organizations)
IUSInterchange Unit Separator
IUSInternational Union of Students
IUSIntra-Uterine System (contraception)
IUSInter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society
IUSInline with Upstream Stable (Linux project)
IUSInformix Universal Server
IUSInterim Upper Stage (NASA)
IUSInternational Union of Speleology
IUSIntraoperative Ultrasound
IUSIntermediate Upper Stage (US NASA)
IUSInstitute for Urban Studies (Canada)
IUSInterwoven Universal Search
IUSInteractive Unix Service
IUSImage Understanding Services
IUSIndividual Unity Systemization
IUSIntegrated Utilities Services, Ltd.
IUSInter-Urban Structure