IVAIndividual Voluntary Arrangement
IVAImpuesto Sobre El Valor Añadido (Spanish VAT)
IVAImposta sul Valore Aggiunto (Italian: value added tax)
IVAIntelligent Virtual Agents (Conference)
IVAImage and Video Analysis (various locations)
IVAInternational Velux Award (architecture)
IVAInfluenza Virus A (infectious disease)
IVAInkomensvoorziening Volledig Arbeidsongeschikten (Dutch)
IVAInstructie Verantwoord Alcoholgebruik (Dutch: Instruction Responsible Alcohol)
IVAIdeal Vehicle Award
IVAInsertion dans la Vie Active (French: Integration into Working Life)
IVAIsovaleric Acidemia
IVAImposto sobre Valor Agregado (Value Added Tax; Brazil)
IVAIsrael Venture Association
IVAIntelligent Video Analysis (Bosch Security Systems)
IVAIndependent Verification Agency (New Zealand)
IVAIntravehicular Activity
IVAInduction Voltage Adder (electronics)
IVAIdaho Values Alliance (Boise, ID)
IVAInternational Voice Association
IVAImposto de Valor Acrescentado (Portugal; same as VAT)
IVAInterop Vendor Alliance (Microsoft)
IVAIntermediate Visual and Auditory
IVAIntegrated Vulnerability Assessment
IVAIndian Vexillological Association
IVAInterventricolare Anteriore (Italian)
IVAInductive Voltage Adder
IVAInstituut voor Advies (Dutch: Institute for Advice)
IVAIntegrated Vocational Assessment (education)
IVAInteractive Voice Assistant (CoolSpeak)
IVAInternal Vulnerability Assessment
IVAIterative Viterbi Algorithm
IVAIndividual Video Access (GlowPoint)
IVAIntegrated Voice Application
IVAIntraoperative Vascular Angiography
IVAInformal Voluntary Agreement
IVAIndependent Verfication Audit