Acronym | Definition |
IVA | Individual Voluntary Arrangement |
IVA | Impuesto Sobre El Valor Añadido (Spanish VAT) |
IVA | Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto (Italian: value added tax) |
IVA | Intelligent Virtual Agents (Conference) |
IVA | Image and Video Analysis (various locations) |
IVA | International Velux Award (architecture) |
IVA | Influenza Virus A (infectious disease) |
IVA | Inkomensvoorziening Volledig Arbeidsongeschikten (Dutch) |
IVA | Instructie Verantwoord Alcoholgebruik (Dutch: Instruction Responsible Alcohol) |
IVA | Ideal Vehicle Award |
IVA | Insertion dans la Vie Active (French: Integration into Working Life) |
IVA | Isovaleric Acidemia |
IVA | Imposto sobre Valor Agregado (Value Added Tax; Brazil) |
IVA | Israel Venture Association |
IVA | Intelligent Video Analysis (Bosch Security Systems) |
IVA | Independent Verification Agency (New Zealand) |
IVA | Intravehicular Activity |
IVA | Induction Voltage Adder (electronics) |
IVA | Idaho Values Alliance (Boise, ID) |
IVA | International Voice Association |
IVA | Imposto de Valor Acrescentado (Portugal; same as VAT) |
IVA | Interop Vendor Alliance (Microsoft) |
IVA | Intermediate Visual and Auditory |
IVA | Integrated Vulnerability Assessment |
IVA | Indian Vexillological Association |
IVA | Interventricolare Anteriore (Italian) |
IVA | Inductive Voltage Adder |
IVA | Instituut voor Advies (Dutch: Institute for Advice) |
IVA | Integrated Vocational Assessment (education) |
IVA | Interactive Voice Assistant (CoolSpeak) |
IVA | Internal Vulnerability Assessment |
IVA | Iterative Viterbi Algorithm |
IVA | Individual Video Access (GlowPoint) |
IVA | Integrated Voice Application |
IVA | Intraoperative Vascular Angiography |
IVA | Informal Voluntary Agreement |
IVA | Independent Verfication Audit |