Acronym | Definition |
JOC | Journal of Commerce |
JOC | Japanese Olympic Committee |
JOC | Jars of Clay (band) |
JOC | Juventud Obrera Cristiana (Spanish: Young Christian Workers) |
JOC | Joint Operations Center |
JOC | Jazz Orchestra of the Concertgebouw (Netherlands) |
JOC | Journal on Computing (various organizations) |
JOC | Junior Original Concert (Yamaha music school) |
JOC | Java Open Community |
JOC | Job Order Contract |
JOC | Joseph Oat Corporation (Camden, NJ) |
JOC | Joint Operations Command (Zimbabwe) |
JOC | Juilliard Opera Center (New York) |
JOC | Journal of Combinatorics (International Press) |
JOC | Journal of Organic Chemistry |
JOC | Joint Operating Concept (US DoD) |
JOC | Jeunesse Ouvriere Catholique (French) |
JOC | Joint Operations Cell (cybercrime-fighting unit, UK) |
JOC | Joy of Connecting (Smyrna, GA) |
JOC | Justice on Campus |
JOC | Java Outlook Connector (software) |
JOC | Journal of Oncology |
JOC | Jet Orientation Course (aka Jet Operations Course) |
JOC | Judgment of Conviction |
JOC | Chief Journalist (Naval Rating) |
JOC | Jack of Clubs |
JOC | Java Object Cache |
JOC | Jet Operations Course (aka Jet Orientation Course) |
JOC | Joint Operations Control |
JOC | Jago Owners Club (automobile club; UK) |
JOC | Jail Oversight Commission |
JOC | Jeunesse Ouvrière Christians (Young Christian Workers) |
JOC | Junior Officers' Council |