Acronym | Definition |
IRM | Information Rights Management |
IRM | Information Resources Management |
IRM | Islamic Relief Malaysia (Malaysia) |
IRM | Integrated Risk Management |
IRM | Information Resources Management (College; National Defense University; Washington, DC) |
IRM | Imagen Por Resonancia Magnética (Spanish: Magnetic Resonance Imaging) |
IRM | Information Risk Management |
IRM | Isothermal Remanent Magnetization |
IRM | Illinois Railway Museum |
IRM | Insurance Risk Management (various companies) |
IRM | Internal Revenue Manual |
IRM | Isochronous Resource Manager (IEEE 1394) |
IRM | Insecticide Resistance Management (agriculture) |
IRM | Inside Rearview Mirror |
IRM | Intelligent Repeater Module |
IRM | Inventory and Related Materials |
IRM | Intel Remote Management |
IRM | Institute of Risk Management |
IRM | Interim Remedial Measure |
IRM | Information Resource Manager |
IRM | Imagerie par Résonnance Magnétique (French: Magnetic Resonance Imagery) |
IRM | Ion Release Module |
IRM | Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique (Belgium's Royal Metereological Institute) |
IRM | Investor Relationship Management |
IRM | Institute for Regenerative Medicine |
IRM | Item Response Model |
IRM | Intramural Research Program (NIH) |
IRM | Institute of Rural Management |
IRM | Immune Response Modifier |
IRM | Interest Rate Management (finance) |
IRM | Internal Risk Model (insurance) |
IRM | Inherited Rights Mask |
IRM | Information Request Message |
IRM | Indian River Marina (various locations) |
IRM | Institute of Reactor Materials (Russia) |
IRM | Interference Reflection Microscopy |
IRM | Indicative Route Method (path planning) |
IRM | Inspection, Repair, Maintenance |
IRM | Integrated Resources Management |
IRM | Insert/Replace Mode |
IRM | Internet Relationship Management |
IRM | Information Resources Management Plan (HFCA) |
IRM | Immediate Restorative Material |
IRM | Image Rejection Mixer |
IRM | Independent Reference Model |
IRM | Integrated Resistance Management |
IRM | Islamic Resistance Movement (aka Hamas) |
IRM | Impossible Recording Machine (band) |
IRM | International Roaming MIN |
IRM | Internet Reservation Module |
IRM | International Revolutionary Movement |
IRM | In-Lined Reference Monitoring |
IRM | Insurance for Released Members (Canada) |
IRM | Institute of Respiratory Medicine (Australia and Malaysia) |
IRM | Integrated Resource Management, LLC (Claremont, California) |
IRM | Intelligence Requirements Management |
IRM | Interactive Rights Management Ltd |
IRM | Information Release Memo |
IRM | Initial Ranging Message |
IRM | Immediate Remedial Measures (environment) |
IRM | Interim Release Milestone |
IRM | Impulse Radio Modulation |
IRM | International Review of Management (Senate Hall Academic Publishing) |