IROIn Receipt Of
IROInternational Relations Office
IROIndependent Review Organization (insurance industry)
IROInternational Ragnarok Online (gaming)
IROIn Respect Of
IROInternational Refugee Organization
IROIndividuele Reintegratie Overeenkomst (Dutch: Individual Reintegration Agreement; unemployment benefits)
IROInland Revenue Ordinance
IROInvestor Relations Officer
IROInformation Resource Officer (US Department of State)
IROIndustrial Relations Ordinance (Pakistan)
IROIron Rock Off Road, Inc (Shakopee, MN)
IROInternationale Rettungshunde Organisation (German: International Rescue Dog Organisation)
IROInternational Rescue Dog Organisation
IROInternational Relief Organization
IROIndian Robotics Olympiad (Bangalore, India)
IROInterim Receiving Order (UK courts)
IROInterest Rate Option
IROIndependent Rental Owners
IROInstitution of Railway Operators (UK)
IROInternal Review Office
IROIndustrial Relations Office
IROIn Region Of
IROInternational Regulatory Outlook (FSA, London, UK)
IROInternational Relief Officer (airlines)
IROIndependent Research Organization
IROUnited Nations International Refugee Organization
IROInstructor Rated Operator
IROIncident Response Operations (NRC)
IROIsolant Rigide Ordinaire (French: Stiff Ordinary Insulation)
IROInvestment Research Outsourcing
IROInsulated Uranium Oxide
IROIndependent Review Officer/Office
IROIstanbul Turist Rehberleri Odasi (Turkey, Istanbul tourist guides union)
IROInternal Replenishment Order (Inventory Control Application Systems)
IROIndian Research Organisation