Acronym | Definition |
IRP | Intramural Research Program (various organizations) |
IRP | Industrial Rubber Products (various locations) |
IRP | International Research Project |
IRP | Integrated Resource Plan |
IRP | Institute for Research on Poverty (University of Wisconsin-Madison) |
IRP | Installation Restoration Program |
IRP | International Realty Plus (various locations) |
IRP | Independent Review Process (various organizations) |
IRP | Intermediary Relending Program (USDA) |
IRP | Incident Response Planning (various organizations) |
IRP | I/O Request Packet (Microsoft Windows NT) |
IRP | Input Output Request Packet |
IRP | Institutional Research and Planning |
IRP | International Review Panel (various organizations) |
IRP | Indianapolis Raceway Park |
IRP | Incident Response Program (banking) |
IRP | Iron Removal Plant (environmental health) |
IRP | Innovative Research Program (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences) |
IRP | Iron Regulatory Protein (biochemistry, nutrition) |
IRP | International Recovery Platform |
IRP | Interest Rate Parity |
IRP | Institutions Représentatives du Personnel (French) |
IRP | Individual Responsibility Plan (various locations) |
IRP | Institute on Race and Poverty (Minneapolis, MN) |
IRP | Institution de Retraite Professionnelle (French: Institution for Occupational Retirement) |
IRP | Institutional Removal Program (US FEMA) |
IRP | Islamic Renaissance Party (Central Asia) |
IRP | Independent Research Project |
IRP | Injury Research and Prevention (Louisiana) |
IRP | Information Review Process |
IRP | Investment Review Process |
IRP | Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Muslim State) |
IRP | Institutional Repositories Program (National Institute of Informatics; Japan) |
IRP | International Rubber Products (Dominguez, CA) |
IRP | Illinois Republican Party |
IRP | Interposing Relay Panel |
IRP | Interest Rate Product (finance) |
IRP | Improved Response Program |
IRP | Institute for Retired Professionals |
IRP | Immigration Representation Project (various locations) |
IRP | Integration Reference Point (3GPP/UMTS) |
IRP | Informal Resolution Process (various organizations) |
IRP | Information Resource Planning |
IRP | Interventional Radiology Procedure |
IRP | Industrial Restructuring Project (various locations) |
IRP | Independent Research Provider (investment finanical analysis firm) |
IRP | International Registration Plan, Inc. |
IRP | Investor Reporting Package |
IRP | Interior Repatriation Program (US and Mexico) |
IRP | Information Retrieval Program (various schools) |
IRP | Investor Relations Partners, Inc. (various locations) |
IRP | Industry Risk Profile (Aerosafe Risk Management; Australia) |
IRP | Intermediate Rated Power |
IRP | Intermediate Rated Power (aviation) |
IRP | Irish Punt (Irish Currency before 2002) |
IRP | Interior Router Protocol |
IRP | Institute of Radiation Protection |
IRP | Interim Recovery Plan |
IRP | Individual Research Paper |
IRP | Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program (Afghanistan; USAID) |
IRP | Information Return Program |
IRP | Incident Reporting Procedure |
IRP | Insured Retirement Program (Canada) |
IRP | International Review of Pragmatics (journal; Brill) |
IRP | Immediate Response Please |
IRP | Intelligence Resources Program (Federation of American Scientists) |
IRP | Intern Registration Program |
IRP | Integrated Regional Planning |
IRP | Initial Receiving Point |
IRP | ISIS Re-Engineering Project |
IRP | International Roaming Platform |
IRP | Industrial Readiness Planning |
IRP | Industry Resource Planning (supply chain solutions) |
IRP | Inventory Reduction Program |
IRP | Interference Reporting Point |
IRP | Information Returns Processing/Program |
IRP | Improved Radar Program |
IRP | Information Requirements Plan |
IRP | Image Rejection Processor |
IRP | Item Reduction Program |
IRP | Integrated Response Plan (Oil Pollution Act of 1990) |
IRP | Implantable Retinal Prosthesis |
IRP | Intermediate Range Plan |
IRP | Ian Randle Publishing |
IRP | Installation Restoral Program |
IRP | Intelligence Research Paper |
IRP | Interim Repair Parts |
IRP | Interference Rejection Processing |
IRP | Initial Resupply Pack |
IRP | Interagency Research Program |