IRPEInstituto Rondoniense de Pesquisa e Estatística (Portugese)
IRPEIowa Recognition for Performance Excellence
IRPEInstitutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness
IRPEInstitute for Retirees in Pursuit of Education (Brooklyn College)
IRPEInternational Recognition of Professional Excellence
IRPEinfrared photoelastic
IRPEInstituto Rondônia de Pesquisas e Estatísticas (Brasil)
IRPEinternal rotation potential energy
IRPEInstitute for Research on Public Expenditure
IRPEInternational Register of Professional Engineers (also seen as IRoPE)
IRPEInstitute of Radio Physics and Electronics (India)
IRPEI/O Request Packet Extension
IRPEInventario Relacional de la Poesía en Español
IRPEInnomedical Reference Program Enhancement (Innovision Networks, Inc.)
IRPEIntegrated Rapid Prototyping Environment
IRPEInstitute for Revolutionary Peacemaking and Education
IRPEInternal Repositioning Element
IRPEInternational Reference Preparation for Erythropoietin
IRPEImage Reception and Processing Element
IRPEIndependence of Rank-Preserving Expansions
IRPEIonizing Radiation Producing Equipment
IRPEInternet Remote Printing Experiment
IRPEImagerie par Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique
IRPEInterdisciplinary Research and Postbaccalaureate Education (committee)
IRPEIstituto Ricerche Problemi Emarginazione